chapter 2

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Mirae woke up to her alarm ringing in her ears. Tired, she grabbed her phone from the night stand and pressed on snooze. But when her fourth alarm for the morning rang, she finally stood up and got ready for classes.

I had a really strange dream yesterday...

She recalled the cupid and this deal he offered her, about shooting the arrow of love into someone she likes so they would return her feelings. She scoffed at that thought. There's no way it was real, right?

Mirae walked back to her bedroom to change her clothes and noticed the golden colored, vintage book on the floor next to her bed. She stilled. It was the book cupid got out of and a sign that it was indeed not a dream. Her mind wandered to Sunghoon, whom she wanted the recipient of the arrow to be and nervously bit her lip. Is he going to like me back now? Her heart started beating faster at the thought. She felt a weird boost of confidence.

"Alright Choi Mirae! You're gonna strike up a conversation with Sunghoon today no matter what!" She exclaimed to herself, raising her hands in the air, determined.

She knew they had two classes together today so she was excited to see him. Even though they were on friendly terms, Sunghoon was still a difficult person to read. She never knew what he was actually thinking. He's nice to Mirae, but that doesn't mean that there would be any more meaning behind that. Sunghoon is nice to a lot of people. But on the other hand, he was often found sitting alone in the lectures or classes she had with him. She always wondered why. Did he not have any friends? Why would anyone not want to be his friend? It was weird to her but she didn't bother about it since she was just happy to see him in the same classes.

As Mirae arrived at university, there were already a few students in the room. Yumin didn't have this class so she quickly scanned the room to find Sunghoon sitting - yet again - alone next to the window in the back. A smile formed on her lips and made her way towards him, holding onto the strap of her bag a little bit stronger to try to fight back her nervousness. If cupid shot the arrow at him, it means he'll have feelings for me now right?

"Hey Sunghoon," Mirae called, coming to a halt in front of the empty seat next to him. "This seat is free, right?" She tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Sunghoon looked up at her and removed one earphone, he seemed to be listening to music before. "Sure," he replied in a cold tone and put his earphone back in.
Mirae's eyes narrowed as she sat down beside him. What was that?

Usually, whenever Mirae talked to Sunghoon there was this friendly atmosphere, he was never cold to her. Did he have a bad day? Maybe it wasn't anything against her, but he still seemed very different...and more distant than before. Sunghoon usually had this warm smile whenever they greeted each other. He seemed like a whole different person just now.

Mirae didn't think much of it. Maybe he got into a fight with someone or he just wasn't in the mood. Everybody has those days sometimes. Instead, she tried to focus on class.
How am I gonna find Cupid again to ask him about this? Mirae sighed.

At lunch, Mirae made her way towards the cafeteria and chose a seat near one of the windows, waiting for Yumin to arrive. She saw her walking in from the distance and hurriedly taking the food tray.
"Hey Mirae! How was class?" Yumin said while settling down in front of her. Mirae sighed. "The usual..." Her friend raised a brow. "You alright?" Mirae just shook her head at that. "I'm good. Just tired I guess."

The two of them ate their meal while talking a little about their day when Yumin mentioned the presentation they had to prepare for the lecture.
"Not sure if you saw it yet, but sadly we're not group partners," Yumin pouted at Mirae.
"Oh, good that you mentioned it. I totally forgot to check the document!" Mirae said, but as she was about to reach for her phone to check, Yumin chuckled.
"I already checked your partner," she said while winking at her friend. "Congrats girl, maybe you can finally make some progress with your loverboy."

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