chapter 4

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The weekend went by with the blink of an eye. Way too fast for Mirae's liking. She was on her way to the lecture room.

Mondays were dull. She had no class with Sunghoon again. Actually, she wanted to return Sunghoon's umbrella, but she wasn't even sure if she was able to meet him. She brought it along nonetheless, just in case.

Mirae didn't really pay attention to her first lecture. It was boring. She saw no point in visiting this lecture, especially if the professor just proceeded to read almost everything that he put on his slides. If there wasn't the attendance requirement, she could've been sleeping in at least. But that wasn't the case, so she scribbled random notes in her notebook.

Usually, Mirae would meet up with Yumin for lunch time, but for the first time, she got ditched. She couldn't really be mad at her friend though, she was quite happy. It seemed like her project partner and her got along so well, he wanted to have lunch with her and talk about the project. Kang Taehyun was his name, if Mirae recalled correctly. She just hoped Yumin would introduce him to her sometime. As her best friend she just had to check up on him and make sure he's not some kind of sketchy guy.

So, all alone this time, Mirae went to get lunch at the university's cafeteria. For today's menu, she chose the Kimchi Soup and looked around for an empty seat. It was noisy as it was lunch time. After scanning the area quickly, something caught her eye. A smile formed on her face and she went towards the table near the big windows. There sat a boy who she would recognize even from a thousand meters apart, and she didn't want to miss the chance to eat lunch together with him. Especially on a day she didn't expect to meet him at all.

"Hey, can I join you for lunch?" She asked, looking down at Sunghoon with a smile.
The other looked up, first slightly confused, but when he realized that it was Mirae, he nodded.
"Sure, but I hope you won't mind that my other friends will be joining."
Other friends? That's going to be awkward, she thought but sat down anyway.

Mirae wasn't the type of person to be super extroverted, especially among strangers. But for now, she didn't care. She got to sit right in front of her crush, which made her feel like she was on cloud nine. The two of them talked a little about their day until some guys came bustling in, bringing a cheerful atmosphere along.

"Eh heeey, Sunghoon! You never told us you got a girlfriend?" One of them exclaimed while sitting down next to him.
Sunghoon's ears started to turn red and he gave the other a slight punch on the shoulder.

"She's not. This is-"
Sunghoon was interrupted by his other friend pointing at Mirae with a surprised expression on his face.

Mirae wanted to become one with the chair. Or disappear. Anything but being here in this awkward situation. Who in the world could have thought that this Jake guy from the cafe was friends with Sunghoon?
Jake sat down beside Mirae and leaned closer to her.

"So you got from staring from afar to actually eating lunch with him, huh? Congrats," he whispered. Mirae's face turned red and she just wanted to hide.

"Do you guys know each other?" Sunghoon raised a brow in confusion.
Mirae shook her head while saying no, but Jake did the exact opposite. She mentally facepalmed herself and hoped that Jake wouldn't tell Sunghoon about the incident. The last thing she wished for, was for Sunghoon to remember her as a creep.

Jake laughed. "Not really, I saw her at the cafe where you work. Talked just a bit," he said while shrugging.
"Then I'm sure you go by a name other than 'you'," the third guy with strawberry redish hair commented. He sat down next to Jake.
Jake widened his eyes and gasped dramatically. "Right, I never asked your name!"
Mirae couldn't help but laugh. If those were Sunghoon's friends, they were truly entertaining to be with.

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