chapter 3

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It was finally Friday and Mirae dreaded for the weekend to come. Her mind had a lot to process ever since the encounter with the mysterious book and cupid. She sat in her last class for the day, near the window. Raindrops gently tapped against the window while the professor rambled a little bit too much about some encounter he had the other day, completely trailing off the topic.

As he dismissed the class Mirae sighed while packing up her things. She did not see Sunghoon today at all, neither was she able to meet Yumin or other friends. Their schedules for Friday were just way too different.

Yesterday evening, Mirae was all confident about getting Sunghoon to like her, but in reality, she felt helpless. How was she going to do that? She can't just walk up to him and confess her feelings to him out of nowhere. Especially after he apparently almost forgot about her existence.

Mirae took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Yumin's number. Shortly after, she could hear a rushed "Hello?" and some rustling in the other line.
"Yumin? Are you busy?"
"Kinda. Sorry Mirae, I'm on my way to meet my partner for that project presentation. I'll catch you later, okay?"
"Okay sure. Good luck!" Mirae said and hung up.
By the mention of the project, she realized that Sunghoon and her didn't discuss anything yet. Damn, we need to start making an outline. She pondered if she should text him first. Would he contact her?
Screw it, I'm gonna start working on an outline first and just discuss it with him later. Mirae decided to look for a cafe where she could start drafting the project in advance. There was this small coffee shop near campus that seemed to be well visited, not too many people but also not too little. It was perfect for studying.

Mirae's entrance to the coffee shop was announced with a soft cling from the door hitting the chimes and she was warmly greeted by the staff.
"Hello," Mirae said while coming to a halt in front of the counter. She was busy looking at the menu board at the wall, deciding what to get.
"Hey, uh...Mirae."
She looked up, confused, only to stare into the hazel eyes that she so adored.
"Sunghoon?!" She exclaimed a little too loud, she realized, and covered her mouth with her hand. "What are you doing here? I didn't know you work part time here," she began, a little bit quieter than before.
"Yeah I do," he said with a slight smile. "What can I get for you?"
Mirae tapped on her chin while looking at the menu behind Sunghoon. "I'll have a Vanilla Latte, please."
"Sure. That'll be 5,600 won."
Mirae nodded and gave the money. As he handed her the change, he hesitated. "Uhm, I'm sorry about yesterday," he said shyly. Mirae raised a brow in confusion. "About what?"
Sunghoon placed her change in her hand and avoided eye contact. "For forgetting that we already exchanged numbers. I'm usually not like that, I don't know why, I seemed to forget." His ears turned a bright scarlet color and he looked everywhere but Mirae's eyes. She couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. "Don't worry about it," she said while shaking her head, "It's okay."
Sunghoon smiled back at her. "Then please find a seat, I'll bring your order to you as soon as it's ready." She thanked him and found herself a table near the window.

It wasn't too full in the afternoon so the atmosphere was quite calming. The music they play here is not too loud either, it's the perfect music to focus on assignments and such. Mirae took out her laptop and her notes to start brainstorming for the project. She tried to scribble some notes but her mind kept wandering towards the counter. Or more like, the person that was behind the counter.

Sunghoon was busy making her order and she couldn't take her eyes off him. She didn't want to be a creep and tried focusing on her notebook again, but her eyes automatically followed the tall figure behind the counter. The image of Sunghoon as a barista was so attractive and mesmerizing, his brown hair slightly leaning in his face while preparing the coffee, the dark brown apron that was hugged around his waist, he was just so perfect.
Mirae unconsciously let out a small content sigh.

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