Chapter 1

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The street was bustling with life, and activity. Vehicles drove down the road quickly, people without vehicles were walking hurriedly to get to their destinations. It was a Monday morning after all, so it was all normal.

Hinata stood at the walk way, waiting patiently for the traffic lights to turn red, so she could cross to the other side of the road. It didn't take too long. Hinata slipped her hands into the pockets of her big purple hoodie. It was really too big for her, but she liked it that way, it was like a little bubble that she could wrap herself in, a soft barrier that could keep her safe.

Hinata suffered from severe social anxiety, and a very low self esteem. She was scared of going out, scared of meeting new people, scared of being heard, scared of being judged, and scared of offending people. This made the students at school to start picking on her. They would take her lunch money, steal or copy her homework, call her demeaning names, and even go as far as sèxually harassing her all because they knew she couldn't get back at them.

All those destroyed the little confidence she had in herself. She had once begged her father to let her be home schooled, because of her anxiety, but the man would not have any of it. He didn't believe that anxiety was a big enough reason to not got to school or socialise, he didn't even think anxiety was a big deal at all, so Hinata's requests fell on deaf ears. She had to continue going to school, the place she dreaded most, the place where people were mean and cruel.

That day Hinata got to school early, there was barely any student around. She decided to go to class and enjoy the peace before the other students arrived. As she neared her seat, she saw some scribbles on her table. On a closer look she realised that it was a drawing of a stick figure that had her hairstyle and two oversized brèasts. Written under the drawing was "talking b0obs".

Hinata choked on her sobs as she wiped at the table with her handkerchief to no avail. It seemed to have been drawn and written with a permanent marker. Tears fell from her face down to the table. The liquid helped remove some of the drawing, but it didn't do much, since the words and drawing were still very visible.

Hinata sunk into her seat, and cried even more. She wondered why people were like that to her, maybe if her brèasts weren't so big and ùgly, they wouldn't be mean to her, maybe if her eyes were black or blue, people wouldn't laugh at them, maybe if she could crack jokes and be lively like everyone else, people would be nicer to her.

Someone walked into class, but Hinata didn't hear until the person placed a hand on her back. Hinata jerked up in fear, but quickly calmed down when she saw who it was.


Kurenai did not answer her on time, because she was busy staring at Hinata's desk. She immediately realised that the desk was the reason Hinata was crying so bitterly early in the morning. She was a new lecturer and she taken particular interest in Hinata because of how smart she was, she also noticed the traces of anxiety that the girl showed, but she had never seen her break down like this before.

"It's ok Hinata, it's ok, stop crying." Kurenai said as she hugged Hinata and tried to soothe her.

They stayed like that for a few minutes till Hinata's sobs came to a stop.

"T-thank y-you for being there for me S-sensei." Hinata said.

"It's no problem." Kurenai replied. "I'll send someone over to clean up your desk, but you have to promise me something. Promise me that you will come see me in my office when your classes are over, I have something very important to discuss with you, and don't worry you're not in trouble."

"Ok I p-p-promise."

"Good girl." Kurenai rubbed the top of Hinata's head causing her to smile a little.

When kurenai left the classroom, Hinata felt weird. She couldn't really describe the feeling, but it was a good kind of weird. That feeling you get when you've cried out all the tears you had in reserve. It was like a mixture of numb and peaceful. She just sat there, just like that.

When the person Kurenai sent over came, Hinata finally snapped out of it. The person applied some kind of bluish liquid to a small cloth and cleaned up the table with it. Everything on it removed and the table was left spotless. Hinata couldn't believe it.

"T-thank y-you so much." She said to the person. They nodded in return and left the class.

At this time, students gradually started entering the class, but Hinata was feeling really good now, so her usual fear was absent.

Someone walked over to where she was and took a look at her table, then left with anger evident on his face. He went to were a group of boys were seated and started talking with them angrily. Hinata realised that the problem might be the drawing on her table that was erased. She quickly got scared again. What if they got angry, and they decided to do something much more embarrassing to her.

Hinata shrunk inside her seat and wished the ground would just open up and swallow her. But unfortunately things didn't work that way. She kept getting mean stares from the group of boys till the lecturer walked in, and class officially started.


Several hours later, Hinata was walking to her last class for the day when she heard someone running behind her. Running in the hallway was forbidden as usual, but of course some students felt like they were above the rules.

The person stopped in front of her. Hinata quickly recognised the girl as Yuki she was a really popular girl, and a long time ago she had asked Hinata to join her group of friends, but Hinata being Hinata politely declined the request. Yuki took it personally because no one says no to her. Since then she became one of Hinata's bùllies.

"Hey bìtch! I thought you might want to cool down." Yuki poured an entire glass of cold water on Hinata's head. Everyone in the hallway burst into laughter. Once again Hinata wanted the ground to swallow her. She walked to her next class wet, cold, and uncomfortable.

When the class ended, Hinata was thankful that her hair and clothes were already dry. She needed to fulfill her promise to Kurenai-sensei, and see her before going home.

Hinata went to the office and knocked twice.

"Come in."

Hinata twisted the door knob and the door opened. She took a peak inside and entered when she saw kurenai. It was a shared office, so she was glad that Kurenai was the only one there.

"G-good Afternoon ma'am." Hinata greeted nervously.

"Good Afternoon to you too dear, have a seat."

"Thank you."

"So." Kurenai began, "I'm guessing you want to know why I called you here."

Hinata nodded.

Kurenai continued. "I've noticed how much you are suffering from anxiety, and how badly it's affecting you. I'm sorry if you think I'm being nosy, but I really just want to help."

Hinata shook her head. "n-no y-you aren't being n-nosy. I-i'm happy t-that you care so much a-about me, a-and that you're being so n-nice to me."

"Really? Then I'm glad to help. A friend of mine is a really good therapist, I can help you schedule an appointment with her. I believe that she can help you, and you don't have to worry about payment, it's on me." Kurenai said.


Kurenai was taken aback by Hinata's sudden outburst.

"You don't want to see a therapist?" She asked

"No i-its not that, y-you don't have to pay." Hinata replied.

"Gosh no, I'm the one doing you a favour here, you don't have to pay anything. All you have to do is talk to the doctor. I promise she's a very nice person, and is easy to talk to, she's not much older than you either." Kurenai reached into her purse and gave Hinata a business card. "This is her card, it has her number and her address."

"Thank you Kurenai-sensei." Hinata said.

"You're welcome."


As Hinata walked home that day she brought out the card from her pocket and read it properly. She now knew she was having an appointment with a certain Dr Haruno.

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