Chapter 3

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    Sakura got home really late and wanted to do nothing but lie down and sleep. Which was exactly what she did, but just when she had closed her eyes, she heard a familiar ringtone. It was her phone ringing. Sakura really wanted to ignore the call, but her mind kept telling her that it could be something important. So reluctantly she got up and took the phone from her nightstand. The caller ID showed Hinata. Sakura's mood instantly lit up.

  Hinata could actually make calls now, unlike before when she stuck strictly to texting. She decided to try it out one day, and her first call with Sakura lasted about 10 minutes before they ran out of things to say and ended the call with awkward laughter.
   Hinata began to call frequently from then on. They would talk about school, work, how their day went, what they did or were about to do, and so much more. They spent nothing less than thirty minutes on each call. Sometimes they would talk till one of them fell asleep or both of them fell asleep. This call was no different.

   When the call ended, Sakura was about to go back to sleep when she noticed her best friend standing beside her door, both arms on her waist and a serious expression on her face. They shared the apartment so it wasn't weird to find her bestie in her room so late at night.

  "What do you want Ino? I wanna sleep."

  "Oh really, just two seconds ago when you were on that long àss call, you were as awake as you could ever be, but now you wanna sleep. How could you have gotten into a new relationship and not tell me? That's crùel Saks, crùel. At least tell me about her, or is it a him now?"

  "My gosh Ino, you jump to the worst conclusions. That was a patient!"

  "If you're gonna lìe at least make it believable."

"I'm not lying, why would I lìe to you?"

  "So you spend nearly an hour on a call with a patient at 9pm talking about the same dúmb stuff two people in love talk about during phone calls like the colour of the shirt they wore two days ago, or a bird flying in the sky."

  "She's a patient and a friend as well."

"I'm your friend too, and if I was the one who called you when you were sleeping you would have either ignored my call or picked it up to yell at me in your angry half asleep-half awake voice."

  "Ino she's an anxiety patient who's only starting to come out of her shell. Plus I think she finds comfort in being around me."

  "Ah comfort, who doesn't love comfort, we all love comfort. Especially that sweet comfort you feel when a pair of soft b0obs is pressed against your face. Intoxicating comfort."

  "Ino please leave, I want to sleep."

  "Well I'll let you sleep, but I will also let you know that you like that girl, and I'm ninety percent sure she likes you too. You probably just don't realise it yet.
Sleep tight forehead girl."


   The next day Hinata went to a cosmetic shop. She came out with a bag containing all the things she bought.

  When Hinata got to school people actually thought she was a new student. Hinata wanted change, and so she changed starting from her dressing style. Instead of the usual hoodie and baggy trousers, Hinata was wearing a light purple tank top and blue skinny jeans. Her hair was held up in a pony tail, her eyes had traces of dark purple eye shadow, and on her lips was a light shade of pink lip gloss. Hinata searched for the exact same shade of pink that Dr Haruno used which made her lips look so soft and delectable.
Lastly on Hinata's feet were a pair of black heels. Not too high or extravagant, but just simple and cute.

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