Chapter 4

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   Hinata woke up on a warm and cozy bed. As soon as she opened her eyes she felt a sharp pang of pain in her head. She closed her eyes hoping that it would go away, but instead she felt it again. Hinata wanted to cry out. She curled up in the bed and held her head. When the aching had subsided to an extent she opened her eyes and looked around. This wasn't her room.

  Fear gripped Hinata. She had no idea where she was, and she wasn't even wearing her own clothes! She tried hard to remember the events that led to this, but that just made her head ache worse. Hinata was scared, she was really scared. Tears started falling from her eyes drop after drop. She remained curled in the bed until she heard someone open the door. Hinata was startled and got up in fear.

   "Hey, hey, hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I just thought you might be having a hangover and I brought some water and medicine."

  Hinata looked up at the person, and saw the medicine, but she was reluctant to take it. It could be poison for all she knew.

  "W-who are you?" Hinata asked.

  "Oh silly me, I should have told you that first. I'm Ino, Sakura's friend, and this is mine and Sakura's place. You know who I'm talking about right? Dr Haruno?"

   Hearing that this was Sakura's place words could not explain the amount of relief that washed through Hinata. She visibly relaxed. It was like she finally let go of the breath she had been holding for so long. She gently reached out for the medicine and glass of water, knowing that it was safe.

   It was only after drinking the medicine that Hinata started panicking again. What if this person had just lied to her!? What if this wasn't Dr Haruno's place at all!?

  "W-where's Dr Haruno?" Hinata managed to ask.

  "Oh! She's still asleep in the living room. She had more to drink than you did."

  "Oh ok." Out if habit Hinata looked down and started playing with her fingers.

  "You're not in any danger, and I'm not lying to you. Me and Sakura went to that club together yesterday, she saw you and went to meet you. The both of you had too much to drink, and you couldn't tell me the directions to your house so I brought you here instead. I'm also the one that changed your clothes." Ino explained.

  "Thank you." Hinata said.

  "No problem, you're welcome. You're Hinata right?"

  Hinata nodded.

"Great, it's nice to finally meet you." Ino stretched out her hand for and handshake.

  "So when did you two start dating?"

  It took Hinata about 5 seconds to process what Ino asked and then her face turned red.

  "N-no no no! It's not like that, she's just my friend."

"That's the same thing she said to me, so why do I find it hard to believe the two of you?"

  Hinata didn't know what to say so she just played with her fingers. It was true that she liked Dr Haruno a lot, but she wasn't sure it was as serious as Ino made it seem.

"It's ok you don't need to answer that, just rest up, I'll make breakfast." Ino turned around and left.

  Hinata snuggled into the blankets. They smelled like Dr Haruno.


   "Ino-pig it feels like the world is spinning, and my head hurts"

  "That's what you get for drinking too much. Next time you'll learn to drink responsibly like an adult should."

  "Make it stop."

  "I can't, and if I could I won't. What were you thinking forehead? Both you and Hinata got piss drunk. What if I wasn't there!?"

  "But you were there weren't you?"

After a few seconds Sakura realised that Ino had mentioned Hinata.

  "Wait did you just say Hinata?"

"Oh my god Hinata!"

  "Wait I remember now! she was there looking all different and sexy, with a totally new dressing style."

  While Sakura continued to chat with Ino who was making breakfast Hinata came out. She wanted to help out with something, and not be completely useless when she was staying with someone who was kind enough to give her a place to sleep, and offer her medicine.

  She didn't know where to go, so she just followed the sound of voices till she eventually ended up in the kitchen.


Sakura was shocked to see Hinata standing by the kitchen door wearing her pink pyjamas. Ino never mentioned any of this.

  Hinata was surprised as well, she did not expect to see Sakura just sitting on a stool casually, with her usually perfectly combed hair now scattered and messy. She even had make up smeared on her face, and she was still wearing the same outfit as the previous night. Yet she still managed to look so... Before Hinata could think of a word memories of the previous night started flooding her mind. Hinata turned red.

  While Sakura was trying to figure out why Hinata was blushing so hard she remembered something as well. Her jaw dropped open. Hinata ran away.


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