Chapter 7

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  As Sakura got home, she stomped inside flung her purse into the couch, and plopped down. She ran her fingers through her hair and gave a frustrated sigh.

   "What's wrong?" Ino asked.

  "You won't believe what I just witnessed Ino, I wish I could go back there and arrest that man!"

  "Woah woah woah! Calm down. Tell me what happened, who's gotten under your skin like this?"

  "It's Hinata's dad Ino. It's her fvcking dad!"

  "What did he do?"

"What kind of dad calls their child weak and pathetic!? Says he doesn't believe in mental issues, and that Hinata is her own problem, she can't live up to Hyuga standards. Can you believe that man! He even threatened to have security throw me out. That damn bitxh is the reason Hinata's mental state was that messed up. God knows what else he does or says to her. Ino I'm so pissed!"

   "That's a lot to take in."

  "I know right! If I didn't see the man with my own eyes, I'd have doubted that he was her father."

  "These rich families tend to put their kids through all sorts of sht, especially the very traditional ones. I'm sure that's the kind that the Hyuga family is. That's probably why the dad was talking expectations and standards."

  "I just want to help her Ino. Now that I've seen what she's going through, I don't want to leave her alone. Gosh no wonder she was so scared this morning."

  "It'll be ok Saks, you'll figure something out. You always do."

  At the Hyuga mansion, Hinata remained locked inside her room. Her father had gone to his study to isolate himself. There was something about the way Hinata had looked at him that shook him. The way her eyes had shown pain, and coldness at the same time. It was like he had seen a ghost. He tried to shake off the feeling but he could not.

  In his household it was not news that he did not like Hinata. Hanabi and her mother knew, the maids knew, even the security personnels were aware. It all showed from the way he treated her. He kept finding ways to justify the terrible treatment he gave to the poor child. She had killed the love of his life. It was a valid reason. If she had never been born, his beloved would still be alive and well. They would have had other beautiful kids, he would never have remarried. But Hinata destroyed all that, her existence ruined everything. 

   On the day of Hinata's birth there had been complications, and the doctors arrived at a dreaded conclusion. They could only save one either the mother or the baby. Hisashi had immediately asked them to save his wife. They could always have more babies. However his wife's decision was in contrast with his.

   "I've lived a good life, this baby; no Hinata deserves a chance at life too. I can't take that away from her.

  As the mother, his wife's choice held more weight than his own. He had barged in trying to talk his wife out of her súicidal choice, but the woman's mind was made, and he was forcefully removed from the room.

  "Love her for me."

Hisashi was presented with a child who's face he could not look at. The child was a múrderer who had claimed his wife's life.

  Hinata was raised by his sister, and some wet nurses. He never even wanted to look at her, and when she grew old enough to crave for his presence, and attention he would yell at her in the harshest tone he could muster. Hinata eventually became smart enough to avoid him.

  When Hinata was seven, Hisashi married a woman who had found her way into his heart. He would never love her as much as his first wife, but she meant a lot to him. A year later Hanabi was born. He had been against her getting pregnant, because trauma still lingered with him. However Hanabi's mother had her way and gave birth to Hanabi. Hisashi never risked getting her pregnant again.

   He showered love and affection on Hanabi and her mother making Hinata seem like an outsider in her own home.

  Hisashi ended his short journey through the memory lane. He opened the very last drawer in his table, and brought out an old book. It was a diary, it belonged to Hinata's mother. He blew dust from the cover, and opened it. In the middle was a picture, a picture of his beloved in all her glory. He was the one who had taken this picture. They were at the beach, and at that moment she looked so beautiful he knew that he have to preserve it.  He took the picture without her knowledge it was a little keepsake for himself.

   As he looked at the picture, Hinata's face flashed in his mind. That look of pain and hurt. He finally connected the dots. He had almost forgotten how much Hinata looked like her mother. She had flashed him such a look of disappointment using the face of his one and only.  It was no wonder he felt like he had seen a ghost. Perhaps it was his subconscious judging him. Until now, it had never crossed his mind how his beloved would feel if she found out that he never loved their daughter the way a father should, but instead treated her with disdain.

   It dawned on him that he was a terrible man who could not even honour his wife's last wish. He failed to cherish the child she gave her life for. He felt more wretched when he remembered the reason he had lashed out so horribly earlier in the day. He had seen the picture of Hinata and the doctor kissing, and was filled with rage and jealousy. How could the one who had taken his own true love from him go out and find love? He had thought it was unfair, and wanted to make sure he ruined whatever relationship Hinata was forming with the doctor.

  The guilt gnawed at his soul. For Hinata's twenty-three years of existence, he had starved her of fatherly love and affection, unloaded his trauma on her, and abused her with his words and actions. How could he ever fix what he had destroyed with his own two hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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