Chapter 5

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"Um what just happened?" Ino queried.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Stúpid alcohol!" Sakura ignored Ino and ran after Hinata.

Hinata ran back to the room she had woken up in. She sat at the farthest end, hugging her knees to her chest tightly. She was shivering.

"Hina! Hinata!" Sakura came stumbling in.

Hinata remained silent refusing to acknowledge Sakura's presence. Sakura gently crawled into the bed, and approached Hinata. She sat beside her.

"I'm sorry!" Both of them said together.

Sakura chuckled, she got a look at Hinata's blushing face and couldn't help but smile.

"You don't have to be sorry." She said, "I should have at least tried to act matured, and take some responsibility last night, but I got carried away then that happened."

Hinata still didn't utter a word.

"Hinata, can you tell me how you're feeling?"

"I-i don't know."

Sakura mentally facepalmed. The stuttering was back.

"I've never been to such a place, someone invited me, so I decided to take your advice, to try new things without being scared. I dared myself to try it out, since other people would be going too. I didn't know you would be there, but I was happy to see you. It was my fault for taking too many drinks. P-please don't hate me." Hot tears fell from Hinata's eyes as she sobbed.

Sakura moved swiftly and wrapped her arms around Hinata embracing her tightly.

"Gosh you purple teddy bear, I could never hate you. Don't ever think about something like that cos it won't ever happen."

"Did I mention that I loved your hairstyle yesterday? And that outfit! You have got to give me styling tips."

It was Hinata's turn to laugh. Sakura felt her chest warm up from the bubbly laughter.

"I think you should be the one giving me styling tips Sakura-san, I've never seen you dressed like that before, and it was...It was stunning. You looked so different yesterday." Hinata said.

"Good different, or bad different?"

Hinata giggled "I don't know, I just thought it was cool."

"Cool huh? I like that. What do you say we go shopping later today? Are you free?" Sakura asked.

At the mention of the words "free", and "later today" Hinata came to a sudden realization that made her scream.

"No no no no!!!"

Sakura panicked. "Hinata what's the problem? What's wrong???"

"I-i need to g-get home. M-my dad is going to kíll me." Hinata started crying again.

Sakura ran her fingers through her hair making it messier than it already was. "Shit!" She never factored in the fact that Hinata's dad was so strict. She already had her suspicions, but now she had solid proof.

"Hey hey, it's gonna be ok, it'll be ok. I will take you home ok, and if your dad has anything to say, I'll take him on. You don't have to be scared please."

There was something about Hinata's tears that made Sakura extremely uncomfortable. The mere thought of Hinata being sad did not sit well with her, but seeing her crying was something else entirely. It felt like her heart was closing in on itself.

"Alright, come on you need to take a shower, I'll prepare some clothes for you. Then we'll eat breakfast and get going. I will be there with you ok."

"Ok" Hinata replied. She was still downtrodden. Bathing, dressing up and eating, she carried them out in a robotic manner. When it was time to leave, she got into Sakura's car, put the seat belt on, and just sat there.

Sakura was at a kiss for what to do. She had tried to make Hinata calm down, she had told corny jokes just to make the girl laugh, but it was all to no avail. Hinata stayed silent, and even shivered from time to time. The fear running through her was so much that it was like a thick fog surrounding her. Sakura was worried. She had never seen Hinata like this. The ride to the Hyuga mansion was a slow, and painfully silent one.

As soon as Sakura drove past the mansion's gates, Hinata's fear tripled. She was now hugging herself and shivering badly despite the fact that the car's heater was put on. Sakura parked the car, and went to get Hinata.

It was difficult getting Hinata to exit the car. Sakura kept whispering words of encouragement to her, telling her that it would be ok. Hinata finally came out, she and Sakura walked side by side as they approached the main house. Right at the entrance Hinata's father was waiting for them. The compound was surrounded with cameras and security personnel hiding in different spots. It was only normal that Hinata's father had been informed of her arrival.

Hinata was trembling. Sakura stood protectively in front of her, hiding her from her father's accusatory gaze. Sakura sized up the man. He was the average old/not too old dad kinda guy. He had brown hair with small streaks of white unlike Hinata's dark purple, but he had the same eyes as Hinata.

"Who might you be?" The man asked coldly.

"I'm Dr Haruno Sakura, Hinata's therapist."

"I don't remember getting my daughter a therapist."

"That's because you didn't sir, the school evaluated her needs, and made that decision."

"So the school now makes decisions on their own. Well then Miss therapist tell me where Hinata was throughout the night till this moment. Surely it isn't another decision that the school has made without my knowledge."

"Hinata was at my place yesterday. I gave her a task to complete, and when she was done it was too dark for her to leave for home, so I offered for her to spend the night."

"A task, a task that involved going to a nightclub a place of filth and degenerates!" Hinata's father held up a photo. "Explain this Dr Haruno!"

Sakura's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. It was a clear photo of the sloppy drunken kiss she had shared with Hinata.

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