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Ax0l dropped with immense speed as he slammed into ground below him, the slam echoing throughout the street. While Melony was down for the count, Meggy and Luigi heard the rumble with a severe amount of worry. "Luigi! Be on your guard!" She said to the scared plumber. "This could be who took out Melony!" Although Luigi was usually a coward, his shirt burst as his abs glistened in the sunlight, ready to take on someone who had hurt his friends. The two stood on guard as the shadow moved through the smoke and dust caused by their landing. That's when they saw him. That's when they saw Ax0l. The two dropped their stances immediately and stared at their believed to be dead friend. His voice was haunting. "G-Give me the answers I need or I'll give you all a one way trip to hel-l!" He yelled in a raspy voice at the top of his damaged lungs. The two were shocked. Their long dead best friend had just threatened to kill them if they didn't give him answers, and judging by his confidence, that's what they are gonna have to do. "Okay! Just don't attack us!" Meggy tried to reason. "Just say what you know and I won't!" Ax0l lied as naturally as he breathed. "Who am I really?" "You are Axol, you draw manga and hangout with friends in peaches castle!" "How do you know that!" "Im one of your friends!" "If your my friend then why did that girl slash me!" He wailed as he pointed at a passed out Melony. "She did that to stop Zero! She never wanted to hurt you!" Meggy was almost in tears, Ax0l thought Melony wanted to hurt him, how could she not cry? Ax0l on the other hand was thinking things through. The empty smiles, how the Melon one was always frowning when she pointed towards the scar with her sword, how some of they're faces were melting into disfigured sludge with hollow empty eyes on him at all times. It appears our axolotl based friend has made a grave mistake. But one question lingers on his mind. "Why is she injured?" As he pointed to the melon waifs on the ground. "You didn't do it?" Meggy asked as she held her tears. "...." It was then that a certain green muscleman had figured it out. "Brother... what have you done?"

If you are reading this. Fuck you are patient. But yeah... I'm going to try and release more chapters. Maybe even some in bulk. Stay tuned for the beginning of the end...

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