Chapter 5: Church

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I wake up and look at the clock on Jeff's dresser and see that it says 7:45am. I lay back down and lean over and kiss him, which wakes him up. I look at him and ask "When does your church start this morning?" He looks at me and says "10:00am, When does yours start?" I say "8:45am, I need to get home to change and get ready for church at my house to be able to go to church with you, but only if you want me too?" He says "Yes of course, I want you to go church with me." I say "Okay, I need too go home before church, so if you want to go to my house with me so that you can give me directions to your church." He answers back with "Of course I'll go with you to your house so that you can get ready for church." I say "Okay, we will need to leave at 8:45am, so that I can have enough time to get ready." Jeff says "Okay, I will bring my clothes with me to your house, so that you can help me get ready." I say "Then that means that you have to help me get ready too." Jeff says "That's fine with me!" Then we just start laughing and I give him a kiss and get up and I am about to change out of Jeff's clothes when he says "Keep the sweatpants and T-shirt as a gift from me." I say "Awe, thanks Babe." Jeff gets up and starts to put on a pair of jeans, so that he can take his church clothes with him to my house to get ready there. While he is doing that, I walk over and grab my bag that I brought with me and put the clothes that I wore yesterday in it ,and all of my other stuff that I had thrown all over Jeff's room. After I am done with that and Jeff had laid out his clothes, we went downstairs to get breakfast.

After we head downstairs into the kitchen, Jeff asks me "What do you want for breakfast?" I answer back to him with "Do you have any oatmeal?" Jeff answers with "I think that we have some in the pantry somewhere." I say "Okay, I will go look, and can you see what type of fresh fruit that you guys have in the fridge?" He says "Yeah, I will go look in the fridge." I say "Thanks Babe, you are a big help." I go over and kiss him on the cheek and he blushes and says "Thanks, Beautiful" and goes and looks in the fridge for fruit. I go and look in the pantry for oatmeal and I find a whole jar of it and I also find some brown sugar, vanilla, and some cinnamon in there too. So I grab all of that and come out and set it all down on the island and I ask him "Where do you keep all of the pots and pans at in this kitchen?" He says "Look under the island for the right kind that you need, and we have strawberries, blueberries, and bananas, but that's it." I say "That's great, and I have all of the ingredients that I need to make the oatmeal that I make everyday for breakfast at home." He says "That's great because I am terrible at cooking breakfast," and I just start laughing. I go over to the stove and turn it on, and then I walk over to the sink and fill up the pot with water. Then I go over to the island and fill the pot with oatmeal and I walk over to the stove and put the pot on the stove. I ask Jeff "Where do you keep the knives and utensils at?" Jeff turns around and points to the right drawer and I walk over to it to get the stuff that I need to be able to make the oatmeal. Then I go over to the cutting board and start cutting up the strawberries and bananas for on top of the oatmeal. I run back into the pantry and grab the pecans and the syrup that I saw earlier in the pantry and I take them over to the island for going on top of the oatmeal. I walk over to the stove to stir the oatmeal, and I put the cinnamon, vanilla, and brown sugar in the oatmeal. Then I mix it all together, then I say "Hey Jeff, come here and taste this oatmeal, and tell me if it needs anything else or if it is good the way it is." Jeff walks over and wraps his arms around my waist and I reach over my shoulder and put the spoon of oatmeal in his mouth, and he eats it and says "That's delicious, What's in it?" I look at him and say "Oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, water, and butter." Jeff says "That's it? Wow, it doesn't need anything else, except for maybe the fruit on top, but otherwise it tastes delicious." I say "Thanks Babe, but I usually always put syrup on it too and it makes it so much better." Jeff says "Really? but it is sweet enough as it is, just like you Sweetie." I look at him and smile and kiss him and give him a hug, and he looks at me surprised and asks "What was that for?" I say "That was because no one has ever said that to me before and I thought that it was really nice of you to say that to someone as ugly as me." Jeff gasps and says "Ugly! You are not ugly, you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid my eyes on, that's why I wanted to go out with you because I love your personality so much and I just love you to pieces." I just look at him and I start to blush because no one, not even my parents, has ever said that to me before. I reach up and give him a kiss, that we hold for about a minute, until we hear footsteps on the stairs, signaling his family is coming downstairs.

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