Chapter 4 The Next Day

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I wake up to my alarm going off and look over and see that it is 7:00am, and I jump out of bed because I have to be at work in a hour. I run into the bathroom and get a quick shower, then I get out, run to my room and grab my phone and see that Jeff had messaged me while I was in the shower and it reads:

Jeff: "Good Morning Beautiful! When do you want to hang out?"

I answer back with: "Can we hang out around 2:00pm because I have work until 1:30pm and can we meet at your house because you have all of the equipment that we need to practice?" He answers back with: "Yeah, that will be fine, I will send you directions later to my house and we can hang!" I answer back and start getting ready for work. I grab my work uniform, which is a Panic! At The Disco shirt, black skinny jeans, a black and white flannel, my name tag, and my black Vans. I work at Hot Topic four days a week, and it is a 7-hour shift today because it is Saturday. I run to the bathroom to get ready, I put my hair up into a messy bun, because I can't have my hair down because I don't want to have to worry about it when I am running around, and I also put on some light makeup. I grab all of my stuff that I need for work and I head downstairs and I go into the kitchen and get something to eat. My mom asks if I am going into work today and I tell her that I am and I leave for work.

When I get to work, I clock in with my time that I started and then I look at the list of jobs that we have up in the storage room and look for my name. I see my name and read what it says next to it: "Restock the shelves, Reorganize the front counter, Help customers, and Work the register." I go out to the store and look around at what needs to be restocked and I start working on that. At 1:00pm, I had finished with everything that I needed to do today, so I asked my boss if I could leave early and he said "Yes, and here is your paycheck for the week." I say "Thank you, and I will see you later!" I run out of the mall and head to my Impala and I look at my paycheck and I scream as I look at how much money I see written on the check: it says $280.

I head home so that I can get ready to hang out with Jeff. I get home and run upstairs and jump into the shower because I am covered in juice and fruit. I get out of the shower and look at my phone to see that it is 1:30pm, and I also have a text from Jeff that has the directions to his house in it. I respond back to him saying "Thanks", and I run into my room to get dressed. I grab my Panic! At The Disco tank top, a pair of jean shorts, a denim long-sleeves shirt with the sleeves rolled up, my black Hi-Top Converse, and my bracelets. I get dressed and run into the bathroom to get ready. I plug in my straightener and while I am waiting for it to heat up, I do my makeup. I grab my foundation and put it on, then I put on my bronzer and powder. I blend those in and I put on my eyeliner and my eye shadow. I then do my mascara and my eyebrows. My straightener beeps to tell me that it is heated up and I start straightening my hair. Once my hair is straightened, I braid back my bangs and I run downstairs to get something to eat. Once I eat something, I grab all of my stuff that I need at Jeff's house, including my Nintendo 3DS XL and my games for it, and I run out to my car.

When I get into my car, I look at the message that has Jeff's address and directions on it, and I pull out of the driveway and head to his house and I get there early with 5 minutes to spare. I wait in my car, and text some of my friends. When my clock on my dashboard hits 2:00pm, I head up to his door and ring the doorbell. I only have to wait like 2 minutes and Jeff opens the door, without a shirt on and in only jeans. I look at him and look away really fast, because I start blushing, and he blushes too. He quickly says "Hey Beautiful! Sorry I was just in the shower and I was getting ready when you rang the doorbell." I say "It's okay Sweetie, you still look cute." He smiles and he let's me in and we go into the kitchen and I see that his parents are sitting at the kitchen table, and Jeff asks me if I want anything to eat. I say "Yeah, do you have any fruit?" Jeff says "Yeah over there in the bowl on the counter." I walk over and grab an apple and start eating it and Jeff just stares at me in disbelief. I ask him "What are you looking at?" He says "Just at you because of the way you are eating that apple" I look down at my apple and see that I am eating it the only way that I eat apples, by eating the core and everything except for the stem. I say "I am just eating it the boss way, it's only what all the cool kids are doing these days! Do you want to try it?" He just laughs and grabs an apple and starts eating it the way that I did, and he says "This is really good the boss way, I will have to eat apples like this more often!" We both just start laughing really loud and his parents look over at us and ask "What are you two laughing at?" We just continue laughing and Jeff says "Nothing, we are going upstairs to my room to practice quads." His parents say "Okay, have fun and don't do anything bad while you are up there, we will come and check on you at 6:30pm to see what you want for dinner." We say "Okay, see you later."  Jeff takes off to his room and I run after him.

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