Chapter 3 Lunch "Date"

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With 10 minutes left till lunch, I look over at Jeff and see him grinning cheeky at me. I blush and look down smiling. This declares it, I have a crush on Jeff. Then I heard the Kosch yell, "GO TO LUNCH, BE BACK AT 2:30!" I look at your phone and it says 1:00. I did question whether you two would get back in time but I put that aside until later. I ran inside and hurriedly put up my bass clarinet away and went out and waited for Jeff in my Impala, because I had taken the top off of it for today because it wasn't supposed to rain today. I saw him coming over in his Charmander tank top, white shorts, black Hi-Top Converse, and his neon orange sunglasses. He says "Nice Impala! Are you ready to go?" I said "Yeah, I am ready! Hop in!" He jumps in and we start heading off to Steak 'n' Shake, and we get there in a matter of minutes.

We both get out of the Impala and head inside the restaurant, and the waiter asks how many and I say, "Two please, and can we get a booth?" She says "Yes, I think that I can do that for the lovely couple." I stop her and say "We are not a couple, just some friends." She says "Oh I am sorry darling, I thought that you were together because you look like you could make a cute couple." I start blushing and I look at Jeff and he is blushing too. We get to our seats and look at the menu. Jeff says "Buy anything that you would like." I ask "Really?" and he says "Yes, anything you want I will buy it for you." Then I say "Awe thank you so much because I haven't gotten paid this week yet at my job because I get my paycheck tomorrow." He said "It's no problem really, and you don't have to pay me back for what you owe me for lunch." I said "Thanks." and he said "Don't mention it".

We were talking for a while then the waiter came back and took our orders and I got a salad and a sweet tea, and Jeff got a Jalapeno burger with fries and a Butterfinger milkshake. While we were waiting for our food, we were talking about what each other got to eat. I said "I didn't know that you liked Butterfinger? And how can you eat such spicy food? It burns my mouth so bad that I'm not able to eat stuff like Jalapenos and spicy peppers." He said "I have grown up eating really hot foods because my family really likes Mexican food and other really spicy dishes from other countries. I love Butterfingers, they are my favorite candy in the world!" I said "That's really funny because my favorite candy is Butterfinger too!" He said,"No way, your favorite candy is Butterfinger, your favorite band is Panic! At The Disco, and we both like band and music!" I also added "We both like drumming, because I am trying to teach myself how to play quads for Indoor Drumline this semester!" He looks at me with a very shocked look on his face and says "You are teaching your self how to play quads. That takes immense talent to teach yourself how to play drums. You, Nikki, are amazing at so many things, including marching band, that I think that it was destiny that brought use together and I would love to hang out with you more so that I can help you with your drumming and make you a better musician." I just sat there looking shocked that he was suggesting that he can help me with my drumming that I sat there for a couple minutes just thinking, until he snapped me out of my trance with a sweet, quite "Nikki, are you okay?" I shook my head and answered back "Yeah, I'm fine, and I would love it if you could help me with my drumming, maybe I can come over tomorrow to your house and we can get started on lessons?" He said "That would be awesome! Hey look, there's our food!"

I turn around and see our waiter coming to our table with: one gigantic burger, a huge salad, one big glass of ice-cold water, and a Butterfinger milkshake. It look so refreshing because of being out in the heat has been miserable. She comes to our table and says "Jalapeno burger and a Butterfinger milkshake" Jeff says "Here" and she puts his food down on the table in front of him. Then she says "One big salad for the lady I am guessing, and an ice-cold water" and I say "That's right," and she put my plate down and I just look at the size of the salad that she just put in front of me, and I say "Thank you" and she leaves. I just look up at Jeff and he is staring in disbelief at the size of his burger to the size of my salad and says "Are you sure you will be able to eat all of that?" I say "Yes, I will be able to eat it all because I am hungry enough to eat a tuba". We look at each other and start laughing really hard and I accidentally snort again and I very quickly hide my face in embarrassment because my face is turning really red. Then all of a sudden I feel soft, gentle hands close around my wrists and they make my hands come down from my face, I look up to see Jeff holding my hands and then he says "It's okay to be embarrassed, but I like it when you snort if you laugh really hard, I think it is cute and adorable." My face starts blushing even more and then I realize that Jeff is still holding my hands and then he lets go of them and starts eating his messy burger, and I start eating my salad.

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