Chapter 1 Marching Band Orientation

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I was just an average girl with long platnium blonde hair with teal streaks, blue-green eyes, a pretty face, and a tall figure. This year is my first year in marching band and I was excited about it. I woke up really early on the first day of marching band orientation because I was so nervous. After I woke up, I remembered that today was my 16th birthday and that I was getting my license that afternoon after marching band. I got out of bed and laid out my clothes that I was going to wear that day, then I went and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, I put my hair in a high ponytail, and put a music note bow in my hair. I came out and put on a teal tank top, black running shorts, and my teal Converse. I grabbed my phone then went downstairs. I made my lunch and filled my water container with Powerade and ice. Then I grabbed a bowl and my cereal and had breakfast, then left for band.

I got to band like 20 minutes before it started because I didn't want to be late on my first day. I wasn't the only early one there because most of the other freshman were there too. I sat down in one of the chairs in the rows with all of my stuff that I thought I would need for marching. I sat for 10 minutes listening to my music on my iPhone. Then someone came up behind me and started tickling me. I jumped so high, that I hit them in the face with my head. I turn around and see a tall blonde guy standing there holding his jaw. "I am so sorry, I didn't realize anyone was going to come up behind me. Hi, I'm Nikki, what's your name?" I asked. "It's okay, and my name is Brad and I am going to be your section leader for this year. I am a Senior and I can guess that your a freshman, because of all the stuff that you have with you" said Brad.

I blushed and hid my face. Then after I was done being embarrassed, I asked him if I really needed all of this stuff for today and he said "All you really need is your water container, sunscreen, sunglasses, and yourself". I just laughed and went to sit down with the rest of my section. There were only three of us in the bass clarinet section, Brad, a boy named Michael, and I. It was a very small section, but we were part of the bigger clarinet section as a whole. I asked Brad "Do I need my bass clarinet today?" and he said "No", so I put it back in my locker and waited for the drum majors with Brad and Michael.

Once the drum majors came into the band room, everyone was still talking and hanging out. The drum majors looked at each other and shouted "SET!" and everyone got into the set position except the freshman that all looked really confused. Then the drum majors said "Ready" and everyone went to there seats and sat and waited for the next thing to happen. The drum major's names were Katie, Michaela, and T.J. They were all really nice but they were really strict too and I liked it that they we focused on band and not other things. They took attendance, then we all stood up and went outside to the blacktop practice field.

They lined us up by instruments on the yard lines, and we did some stretches with the guard, the pit, and the drumline. We did the stretching block for an hour, then we ran around the practice field twice and got into a basics block after the run. During the basics block, we did body breakdown. Body breakdown is where we broke down our bodies into sections, like your head, shoulders, upper back, lower back, and then back up from lower back to your head. After that we started learning how to mark time and march forward 8 steps and mark time 8 counts. We did this for 3 hours then it was time for lunch.

During lunch, we sat with our sections, bass clarinets and clarinets, some of my other friends from color guard came and sat with us too. We had a hour for lunch and I made a lot of friends in my section because they were all really nice. Then we went back outside and ran laps around the practice field, then we went inside and did sectionals for a hour and 30 mins. After sectionals, we went into the band room and played our exercises as an ensemble for 2 hrs and 30 mins. Then after ensemble we were done with practice, and we were able to leave and go home.

My mom came and picked me up and we headed to the DMV to get my licence for my birthday. I took the test and passed and got my licence and then my mom asked "Do you want to drive home?" and I said "Yeah, I want to drive home!" At home, my parents asked me how band went today and I said "Great, I had a lot of fun!" My mom asked me "What do you want for dinner because it is your birthday?" I said, "Can we go to Buca de Pepo?" My mom says "Yes, if that's where you want to go." Then I asked "Can I drive the car?" She says "Yes", and we leave for Greenwood. It was the best Italian food I had ever eaten. We leave and go home and I go upstairs and take a shower. After I get out of the shower, I get ready for bed and get on my laptop, and watch YouTube videos like Smosh, PewDiePie, Joey Graceffa, Connor Franta, Hannah Hart, danisnotonfire, and AmazingPhil for about 2 hours. After I stopped watching YouTube, I said "This was the best birthday ever!", then I went to bed.


If you like my story so far, please comment below and follow me on Twitter @bandgeek2k17. If you think that there is some stuff that I missed that you think I can put into the story then comment below. :)

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