Where it all began

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"You'll never catch me!"

The playful laughter of kids filled the air. The warm summer breeze rusteled the tree branches. The bright sun illuminated the people walking by. Each and every one minding their own business.

None of them payed attention to the kids that played on the street. Having fun together they seemed like they didn't have a care in the world.

"Stop it Katsuki!" A soft yet ferm high pitch voice cut off the cheerful sounds of children playing. "It's not nice to pick on someone!" The female voice continued. It belonged to a 6 year old girl with (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. The girl was standing in front of a green haired boy with big emerald eyes. Her arms spread out as the little girl looked at the boy in front of her.

The ash blonde boy looked back at her. His wine red eyes locked with the girls own. He stared at her intensely, eyebrows furrowed into a scowl. His eyes briefly looked away from the girl and onto the green haired boy behind her before looking back at the girl. He let out an annoyed groan.

"Fine." He scoffed.

A bright smile lit up the girls face. Her (e/c) eyes shimmered as she looked at the boy. She had finally managed to get trough to him! Mentally praising herself she turned back to the boy she was defending.

"See Izuku?" Her smile not leaving her face she extended her arm out to the boy gesturing for him to take it. "I said that I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Locking his emerald eyes onto the girl he slowly took her hand. A rosy red blush filled his cheeks as he stood up.

Brushing it of as nothing unusual for Izuku she pulled his hand and looked back at the ash blonde. Tacking a step forward she took his hand and smiled.

"Now you two make up and let's all play together!" Her cheerful voice lightened up the atmosphere.

Katsuki stared daggers at Izuku. A scowl plastered on his face. From the corner of his eye he looked at the girl. God, why was he even friends with her? All she ever did was stick up for that dumb Deku and it was seriously starting to get on his nerves.

What did she even see in him? He was just a quirkles wanna be. Nothing more. Yet she always hung out with him and included him in their playdates.

Scoffing he looked her. "Tch. Whatever."

"Awesome!" She squealed enthusiastically. "Now let's play!" She looked at the two boys as she tightly held their hands.

Present day

"Morning Katsuki!" An all too familiar voice echoed in his ears. With a scowl the boy stopped in his tracks and turned to look behind him.

"What?" He asked with his usual angry tone.

"Aw come on! Can't a girl say hi to her friend?" Said the girl as she caught up to him.

"For the last time. We're not friends dumbass!" The boy scowled. His brows pinching together as his eyes narrowed.

God this girl was annoying.

Chuckling she looked at her childhood friend. He had always acted like that with people. Choosing to hide his emotions, only expressing his feelings trough anger. But she didn't mind that. She knew that deep.. deep down he had a heart, a heroic heart.

"Whatever you say~" The girl said as she giggled then proceeded to look at the boy. A soft smile threatening to appear on her face.

Mad as always I see. She sighed quietly as she looked at him, her pupils diolating.

"You know.." She began catching the boys' attention "For someone who's good at everything he does you sure suck with your people skills." Her eyes locked onto his face as she awaited for his reaction.

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