Broken bones

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After saying her goodbye's with Katsuki (Y/n) began looking for Izuku. She wanted to ask him how his entrance exam went, hoping that he did well considering the fact that he was probably the only one participating in it without a quirk.

After a few minutes of searching and still not managing finding the boy an uneasy feeling spread throughout her body as she started to get worried.

The exam had finished 30 minutes ago and yet he's still nowhere to be seen. The girl began pacing around as anxiety filled her entire body. What if he got himself injured? Or worse- She frantically shook her head from side to side and then slapped her checks in an attempt to get rid of any bad thoughts that might fill her head.

Don't worry (Y/n). I'm sure everything's perfectly fine. He's not a kid after all. I'm sure that he's fully capable of taking care of himself.

The worried girl took a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds before finally exhaling in hopes that this would calm her.

Thanks to the breathing exercises she had learned she managed to calm herself down. Or at least just enough so that she could think clearly.

"Hey did you see how that kid one-punched the 0 pointer?" Her ears twitched as she heard a voice which was coming from someone behind her.

"Oh yeah!" Another voice replied. "It was that kid with the green hair right? The one who didn't get any robots."

(Y/ns') ears perked up. Green hair? It can't be.. Can it?

She stood motionless as she awaited for a response from the other voice. The feeling of anxiety not leaving her mind and body at peace. Not even for one second.

"Yeah, I heard he's with recovery girl now. Poor kid, his arm looked horrible."

"I know right! And to think, he did all that to save some random girl."

The voices faded as (Y/n) felt her heartbeat increase. Her pupils diolated as she connected all the dots together.

There was no one else that would do such an action. No one else would risk their chance of getting accepted into UA for someone else's safety and well-being.

It had to be him. She tightened her hand into a fist as she faced the school entrance.

Her body began moving towards the door without her mind's consent and before she knew it, she was running in the direction of the nurse's office.


Please be okay..!

The boy awoke in a brightly lit up room.

He slowly opened his eyes. The bright light blinded him making him instinctively try and raise his hands in order to block the light, but as he did he felt a sharp pain in his right arm.

As his eyes slowly adjusted to the light he was able to make out a figure standing next to him. From what he could see it looked like an elderly woman dressed in a doctor's coat.

Upon seeing that the boy was now fully conscious, the elderly woman smiled.

"Good to see that you're finally awake dear. You managed to pack quite a punch back there." Her voice filled the otherwise fairly quiet room which managed to catch Izuku's attention.

"Such a shame that you got hurt in the process." With those words it all came back to him. The fight. The girl. His body moving without thinking. Everything.

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