Chapter 1

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"Robin...Robin...WAKE THE FUCK UP ROBIN!" 

"Ugh..." I slid up from my comfortable position on my desk. My hands knocked half of the shit off in the process. Making my pencils spill everywhere.

"What is it, Lucas?" His gorgeous hazel eyes looked at me in terror. He gestured his tanned hands towards the boss's office, making his silky red ponytail come loose.

My tired eyes looked over to the doors, my boss's hand waving me to come over and have a 'chat' with him. I got up out of my pastel blue seat and walked over to his office through the minimal effort corridor. He grabbed my light grey work shirt's sleeve and pulled me inside.

"Now Robin, someone has hired you for a gig. I'll need you to go out of town for a while to finish it." He handed me the paper and pen. 

"Oh dude, that's sick" I almost fell asleep, my nine-teen-year-old self still couldn't handle the pressure of work, even after a couple of months. 

"You'll need to complete this gig or else I will have to fire you. I don't want to do that." He handed me another sheet of paper as I fucked up the first one, doodling a little stickman. 

"I will...S...Sign it...L...Later..." I yawned leaning my drowsy head on my elbow that I subconsciously placed on the table earlier. 

"WHAT! No, No Robin. I need you to sign it now" He got up out of his seat and came up behind mine. Lifting my arm he scribbled my signature on the piece of paper with me helping just a smudge. That literally all I did, I smudged the dot on the 'i'. He sighed.


"HEY ROBIN!" The Sun sang my name hoping I would respond, but I tried nope-ing the fuck out of there by running into the male bathroom connected to the hallway to the daycare centre. Hoping that he would think I hid in the women's bathroom... because I'm a woman. I ran behind one of the curtains in the changing stall and sat on the seat inside. I put my two petite white-bronzed legs onto the seat and wrapped my arms around them, falling asleep.

[Sun's perspective]

Hehe he... That ray of sunshine probably thought I would check the girl's restroom as she's a girl but nope. I was too smart for her tricks. Instead, I checked the boy's room. 

Walking inside I slowly trotted along the room opening the curtains to each of the stalls till I reached the one at the end of the bathroom, opening it to reveal my lost little girl. 

"THE-" I was cut off by my sibling who slid its hand over my posable mouth, making my voice box stop moving. 

"You're going to wake her up you idiot..." He said in a grungy angry tone. He pushed me to the side and slid his hands over her, picking her up. 

"We were playing though..." He stared at me with her in his arms, red pupils in his white eyes dilating. 

"I'll bring her to her room, don't disturb her." he walked away. 

"But what if I want to play with her later!" I quietly yelled after him. He didn't answer.

[Moon's perspective]

What a nuisance, both of you. If you were going to hide why did you fall asleep. Whilst walking I stared at her small light copper face, she looked like a fallen poppy on a battlefield. If she just lost her bags under those eyes she wouldn't be so ugly. I stepped carefully into the elevator and took her to a secret floor in the pizzaplex.

I opened the door to her room and took her inside. It had a white wooden desk with a matching bed beside it. There was a small living room with a kitchenette attached. I carried Robin over to the queen-sized bed and tucked her in, her small head leaning against my hand. I sat down on the bed watching her. 

"You're so ugly, you know." She mumbled as a response.

[Robin's perspective]

What a nice seat I thought, it is so fluffy and com- Wait... I opened my blue eyes slightly feeling a cold metal hand against my face... 

"Sup..." The animatronic flinched, not noticing that this beast had awakened. Rawr! 

"I-I..." It left the room in a rush, but of course, though, I didn't see it because I was too tired.

I fell back asleep for a couple more hours.

"HEY ROBIN! WAKE UP ROBIN!" I felt a weight on top of me. I actually opened my eyes this time, which was surprising, and saw Sun on there. His green pupils were highlighted by the whites, and his faux orange hair flailing behind his head. His smile was too bright that I just wanted to close my eyes and fall back asleep, and that's exactly what I tried to do.

His hands cupped my shoulders and brought me to an upright sitting position. 

"Want to go play now?" He shook me back and forth waiting for my answer. 

"I need to do my work though..." I told him, but he wouldn't fall for it. 

"You don't have to do any work till you need to fix us at the end of the month." He looked a bit upset, "I'm not that stupid Robin" He whined. 

"FINE! Fine. We can play till the place opens the daycare at eight am, ok?" I sighed. I knew I couldn't sleep forever. I needed to change clothes... Sigh... I pushed the animatronic off of me and sat at the edge of the bed. 

"I'm going to get changed." I Muttered, staring at the floor. 

"OKAY!" Sun sat straight up on the bed and watched me intensely, I stood up and walked over to the closet, not questioning him at all till I walked back out and noticed him still on my bed. I walked into the small square bathroom across from the kitchenette.

[Sun's perspective]

I walked up to the room's entrance planning to leave until I saw her through the bathroom's frosted glass door. Her silhouette was clearly visible, her clothing slid over her arms as she changed into a clean uniform. I had this weird feeling inside, it was probably our best friend man ship. I was glad I had a friend like her. I grinned and walked out of the door to wait for her to leave.


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