Chapter 3

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[Robin's perpective]

Yesterday was weird as fuck man, I probably dreamt about it though. I walked to Moon's room, as I forgot to take him to parts and service the other day.

When I reached his room I knocked, Still feeling flustered about what happened the other day. "Can you come to parts and service, please." Once I left I started to casually walk down to parts and service to wait for Moon.

I sat down by the windows in front of the room and started drawing on an old journal of mine. My character was like a little me in a little world. Very much the same but so different. My main character in the comic I drew had shoulder-length hair, super puffy and pink...

I saw Moon walk towards me, I quickly place my notepad back into my dark pastel green shoulder bag and stand up to greet him. "Finally awake are we?" I said with a gesturing smile.

"Can we get this over and done with already" He looked away flustered.

I don't understand why he looked away, it's not like yesterday happened or anything...Right?

[Sun's Perspective]

Grumble grumble... I scribbled my crayons on some paper, Black, Blue, Yellow, Green and Re- wheres my red gone? I walked around the daycare and still couldn't find it... Maybe Robin might have a spare one...Oh wait, she's gone to fix Moon in Parts and Service so now might not be the time to ask her. Hmm... Maybe just maybe... "LET'S PLAY BREAKING AND ENTERING!"

How am I going to do this? I wait outside of Robin's room thinking of the best way to get in. After a few minutes with my thinking cap on, I hear footsteps, very loud footsteps. That was definitely not Robin. I hide behind one of the floor plants in the small corridor, It was Moon, what was he doing here?

He opened the door to my darling flower's room using a card and scooted inside, where he get that card. I want one... I walked up to the side of my poppy's door and peeked inside, he was looking at her desk, opening the draws and scavenging the papers... Wait, if Moon is here then where is Robin?-

Scoot scoot! "I'M COMING ROBIN!" I start sprinting to the elevator.

"Sun?!" Moon yelled.

Oops guess he noticed me, but I can't chat at the moment, sorry brother.

When I reach Parts and Service I notice robin sitting at the entrance.

"Hey Sun, I see Moon finally kept to his word and retrieved you for me." She looked up and gently smiled.

"Well actually, I saw hi-" I got cut off.

"Enough chit-chat Sun, I have work to do." She pushed me inside.

[Moon's perspective]

What in the name of god was he doing there... He didn't see me did he? Oh my fucking god of course he saw me...Hes probably going to try and tell Miss Lorchester that I was here. What do I do God fucking damnit. I quickly finish phising for the bookmark and hurry out of the room.


I'm looking for chapter ideas, I can't think of any at the moment and that's why the chapters are so short... Give me some ideas.

My Mechanic Stardrop (MoonXSunXCharacter)Where stories live. Discover now