Chapter Six - Day Forty

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"Alright, drill twenty six- It'll go great this time, I have faith in you guys. You've shown incredible progress since I first picked you up."

"Thanks, Solus," Hazel smiled lightly, her chocolate brown eyes warm enough to melt anyone's heart. "I think we've got this, too."

Solus smiled proudly. "Chase? You've got the plan? Everyone's included?"

"Correct." Annabeth stood defensively, brandishing the sword Leo had made her. "Everything's been accounted for- including space in case another oddball is thrown in."

"Perfect. Let's run it again. And... Go!"

Solus watched his team work, his gut wrenching. He couldn't keep them forever, he knew that, but... Watching them grow, fix themselves, start to rely on one another again, it gave him life. 

Annabeth regained her confidence and started formulating plans again, finally getting into a healthy regimen. With their replaced leader in tact, everyone else followed- Jason tamed his anger, Leo learned how to breathe through the tough moments, Nico stopped cutting, Hazel started talking, Piper learned how to be kind once more, Frank stopped vomiting- Not that he had much to do, but there was nothing Percy could have done about that anyways. Solus. Nothing SOLUS could have done. 

He sighed, leaning back and continuing to spectate the team. They'd brought Uranus and Nut back to their prison weeks ago- all they had to do was activate the forced recall and reinforce the security. They were out of the void and just training, taking their time getting back home- Not that they knew that. They still eagerly awaited the hugs and warm welcomes and celebrations of their family.

Solus internally berated himself for being so selfish, and he knew he was going to get in trouble with his superiors for it. He scowled. Why did he care? After seeing his old crew again, nothing was going to be fulfilling anymore. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to applaud them for doing well.

No use in drawing out the inevitable. 

"You'll be arriving at Camp Half-Blood tomorrow," he spoke, allowing his voice to wash over them. As expected, they cheered, hugging each other tightly. 

Solus spent that night drinking. A lot of drinking. 

His temporary crew was too busy partying to notice, thankfully, and he fell asleep in a coma-like unconsciousness by seven pm. 

When they arrived at Camp Half-Blood, Solus leaned against the mast, waving goodbye. He waited for the last of them to get off before collapsing to the ground, burying his face in his hands and sobbing. 

He took off his illusion ring, throwing it against the wall and letting out an sob so aggressive it hurt his chest. He slammed his fist into the floor, listening as the wood splintered under his force. He kept punching until his fists were bloodied and full of splinters, tilting his head up to look at the sky, but he froze.


He was staring at him in shock, the sleeve of his Led Zeppelin shirt falling to the ground.

"I-I was coming to return this- Percy-?"

"N-No, I have no clue where y-you got that idea-"

"Your appearance... That ring was what hid you, wasn't it?"

Solus looked down at his hands, cursing when he remembered throwing it across the ship. 

"Say, you-you wouldn't happen to know where that landed, would you? My boss is gonna get really mad if I-"

Solus grunted as he was punched directly in the stomach, Nico looking furious. "You were with us this WHOLE TIME!"

"N-Now Nico, I-I-" Solus caught the glimpse of silver as he backed away, diving for it and putting it on. He let out a sigh of relief as the charm washed over him, concealing his identity once more.

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