How you met

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You became Heimerdinger's assistant after Viktor. You admired the work that he and Jayce were doing so you decided to pay a visit to their lab, and there you met Viktor. The men found you a competent person and let you help sometimes (you also got some tips from Viktor on how to work properly as Heimedinger's assistant), of course after a little bit both started to discover your personality and started liking you as a friend.


You worked at Benzo's with Ekko so you had a good relationship with Vander's kids. On the night Vi and the others decided to save Vander you saw Powder going somewhere with monkey bombs so you joined. After the tragedy you were found crying with Powder and so Silco took you in too.


you were in the same cell as Vi. At the beginning you hated each other but with time you started liking your cellmate and the feeling was mutual. When Caitlyn showed up Vi said she had to free you too or she wasn't going anywhere (you found it kinda cute).


Caitlyn's mom wanted her daughter to have friends with her same status so she decided to introduce her to the son/daughter of one of her friends. Both of you weren't happy with this "arranged friendship" but then discovered you shared some interests and stopped complaining about your moms arrainging dinners together.


You studied at the accademy and you had some classes with Jayce. When he started his Hextech research he didn't tell you, you discovered it only after his lab exploded and there you supported him hyping him up and helping him with some small things after he started working with Viktor.

Mel Medarda

You were one of her servants. Usually people with this job don't express themselves, but you couldn't help cracking some jokes and expressing yourself, something that Mel started to appreciate. With time she started to treat you more like a friend than a servant and asked for you just because she wanted to be around a friend.


You two met when he was starting to build some homes on that giant tree. In the beginning he didn't trust you but eventually you two started talking, then you helped him build the Firelight place and started living there with him, and of course with all the time you spent together working Ekko started trusting you more and more.

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