They realise they like you

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okay so I hope this isn't going to be cringe...


He just finished a long research session with you about some magical symbols and you were now heading home.

"Goodnight, Viktor."

"Goodnight, Y/N" Viktor responded with a small smile.

After you left, Viktor was still thinking about you and he didn't realise it until a minute after. Could he possibly like you more than a normal friend would? Of course from colleagues you became friends rather quickly, and around six months passed since he counts you as a friend, was this amount of time too little to fall in love, or was it too much? He didn't really know. But he was sure of one one thing; in the next week he was going to confess, because so many things happened to him in his life he couldn't let go a chance to be happy, but still the fear of rejection was more intense than he thought it would be.


She was making some bombs and talking to herself, and the main subject since a few weeks was Y/N. She started to notice that she was taking a different liking to him/her than before. After some doubts she arrived at the conclusion that she fell in love, and she couldn't wait to find a nice way of confessing.


The situation wasn't the best. She just got out of a fight where she got stabbed, and now you were doing your best to cure her. Vi was looking at you and suddently realised that you looked more cute recently, or was it just her? Even if it was because she was injured, she liked the feeling of your hands on her leg. She always acts strong, could she like you? Looks like yes. Tonight she's gonna think how to confess.


She was in her room when her mom got in and said that you were going to visit tonight, and Cait couldn't stop herself from giggling in exitment. She was starting to act more and more happy every time you came and she got a theory that she refused to belive since it got in her mind: she liked you. She wasn't sure if her mom liked the idea, or if you felt about her the same way, she just hoped everything was going to work.


He was reflecitng about what his mother said recently, "You should find yourself a nice lady/gentleman, is it possible that you didn't find anyone yet?" Since then most of his thoughts were about Y/N. And since he wasn't stupid, he soon understood that the person his mom was indirectly referring to were you. He is an impulsive man, and he knows it, he just need to find the right way to confess.

Mel Medarda

She was painting alone when a doubt rose to her head: did she let you become so close to her just because she is a friend? Of course there are friends that are more or less close, but she felt that you weren't really a friend, maybe something more. She always wants to come to terms with reality so she didn't try to deny it to herself: she fell in love with you.


It was night and he was looking at the stars. He found them beatiful, and thinking this he whispered to himself "Ya know what else is beatiful? Y/N." And he realised what he said only after a few seconds what he said.

Ekko remembered the times where you were really just a friend, and he found it oddly different from your current relationship, but nothing really changed, so why? And the it hit him like a truck. He fell in love! He didn't waste time and decided to start planning a cool way to confess.

ok so I did my best, hope you like it.

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