Don't Wanna Hear About It

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Tony stepped into Abby's lab, his ears immediately disturbed by the volume of the Forensic Scientist's blasting stereo. He was used to her music by now, but it had never been turned up to this decibel before. Even he couldn't fathom the sound of his own thoughts over the deafening guitar solo as he stepped in, placing his right hand up to cover one of his own ears. "Abby?!" He tried to shout over the music. "Hey!"

The raven-haired, pale-skinned woman was standing at her computer, waiting for a match to a fingerprint from the crime scene the team had gone through the day prior. She was so focused on whatever she was doing that she did not hear Tony stepping up behind her to lightly touch her shoulder and she jumped, turning to look at him with a troubled look on her face at first before it turned into an irritated glare at him and she turned to look back at her computer.

"Abs, Abs!" Tony yelled over the music. "Can you turn it down?"

"What?!" She yelled back, pretending that she couldn't even guess what he was saying.

"Can you turn it down?!" He repeated.

"I can't hear you!" She said with a stubborn tone, practically ignoring him.

Neither of them had noticed Gibbs enter and step around Abby's table so he was standing directly in front of them, peering through the opening of her island desk. He looked at the two of them for a second before signing to Abby to turn the music down.

"Oh. Sorry, Gibbs." Abby said, immediately picking up the remote control to her stereo as she turned it down.

Tony quickly shook his head as if it would help his ears readjust. "Thanks, Boss." He said while rubbing the inside of one of his ears with his pinky.

"What do ya got, Abs?" Gibbs said to the woman, walking around to stand on her left side, making her a sandwich between both men.

"Nothing yet, Gibbs. Still waiting for a match." She replied, pretending Tony was not standing right beside her, something quite childish of her, yet mature at the same time, the way she does when she wants someone to know that she is perturbed, particularly with them.

"Something bothering you, Abs?" Gibbs asked her, the volume of her music not hiding it very well that she was upset about something.

"Gibbs...can you please tell Tony to get away from me?"

"Why don't you tell him yourself?" Gibbs wondered, not in a rude way, but curiously.

"Because I am not speaking to him right now."

"Great. What did I do now?" Tony asked her.

"Gibbs, please tell Tony not to speak to me." Abby said, beginning to type again.

"Abs." Gibbs couldn't help but smirk a little, finding it quite amusing whenever someone was irritated with Tony.

"Gibbs." Tony said with an annoyed smile of his own. "Will you please ask Abby what did I do now?" He repeated his question to him instead.

Abby's promise not to speak to him immediately broke when she snapped her head to look at Tony. "You gossiped about me. You know I don't like gossip, Anthony Dinozzo."

"When did I gossip about you?"

"You told McGee that he was not my type."

"So? That's gossip?" Tony asked her.

"Yes. It is. Because of you, he was almost too afraid to ask me out. That is not cool, Tony. Not cool." She pointed at him.

Tony couldn't help but chuckle. Abby being upset with anyone was quite rare and when she was...he could only think about how much more adorable it made her. His smile grew more. "I was only stating that he seemed a bit too soft for you, Abs."

"You have no idea what my type is, Dinozzo." Abby stated. "I've dated all kinds of men and women. Don't tempt me to take men like you off my list, Anthony." She warned.

"Wait....wha-" Tony started to ask her what that meant and if men like him really were on her list, but he was interrupted by the ding on her computer.

"And we've got a match." Abby said happily as she brought up the name, showing Gibbs whose fingerprint it was.

"Nice work." Gibbs said before leaving the lab.

"Thanks, Boss." Tony smiled.

"Was talking to Abby." Gibbs said without turning to look at Tony. Agent Dinozzo was about to say something to the irritated woman when Gibbs interrupted him. "Dinozzo....Let's go." He said, reaching the elevator and pressing the "Up" button.

"Yeah. Be right there, Boss." Tony said, getting one last look at Abby before he spoke. "We'll talk about this later."

"Dinozzo!" Gibbs yelled back from the elevator as the doors opened and he stepped on.

Tony rushed to the elevator and jumped on just before the doors closed and they headed up to the bullpen. "I didn't mean to upset her." Tony said to break the awkward silence.

"Don't wanna hear it, Dinozzo." Gibbs replied, never in the mood to hear gossip.

"I was just saying...she would eat little McGee alive. I was trying to help the poor guy." Tony continued anyway.

"I don't...wanna hear it." Gibbs repeated slowly as if to make sure Tony really heard him this time.

The elevator made it up to the bullpen floor and Gibbs exited first, going to his desk to grab his coat and to tell Kate and McGee to grab their gear so they could go find the man whose fingerprint had been at the scene of the crime.

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