Guys Like You And McGee

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Once in the parking spot in front of Abby's apartment building, Tony turned the car off, but neither of them moved yet as Abby just stared out her window.

"Hey...You really showed him." He said to make her feel better. "He'll think twice from now on before putting his hands on a woman in platforms or stilettos."

"This isn't funny, Tony." Abby mumbled, still looking out the window.

His expression saddened, hating seeing Abby this upset. "I'm sorry, Abs."

"I should've just let you shoot him."

"You don't mean that." He said. "You're Abby. You don't believe in violence."

"Correction." She finally looked at him. "I don't believe in violence unless it's absolutely necessary. And that guy deserved a kick in the shins." She pouted again, looking down at her hands and fiddling with her dark, dark purple nail polish.

"He got worse than a kick in the shins, I'll tell you that.....AND he got kicked out of the club. So let's consider this a win, yeah?" He put his forefinger under her chin to make her lift her head and look at him. "Yeah?"

She looked at him for a second, her eyes roaming his face as if to study it, realizing that he was being genuine and that what happened really did upset him too and she nodded. "Yeah."

"Good." Tony weakly smiled. "I'm sorry that prick touched you."

Abby's mood improved a little as she noticed something about him. "I'm glad men like you exist, Tony." He chuckled, taking it as a joke. "I'm serious." She stated. "Sometimes I ask myself if I would feel better...happier...SAFER on an island with only women after hearing all the horror stories about men...but then guys like you and McGee and Gibbs show me that not all men are pigs.....Sure you may act like one sometimes...but you genuinely care and would never hurt a that's why I admire you, Tony Dinozzo...even though you try to hide it at're a good man." She smiled a little and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

At first, Tony felt happy that she did so, but milliseconds into feeling her lips on his cheek, so close to his own, he felt another feeling that confused him and his smile faded slightly, though he didn't show it once she pulled away, keeping his smile for her. "Will you be okay?" Tony asked her once he remembered that she'd have to get out of his car to go inside soon.

"Do you have to get home right away? You can come inside to watch a movie or something. It's only 12:45." Abby suggested.

"ONLY 12:45?" Tony chuckled. "How late do you stay up?"

"Till two." Abby admitted with a smirk. "What about you?"

"I usually just sleep whenever I can." He said truthfully. "Hm...I've gone days without sleep at work, I guess I could come inside for a bit. I really wanna see what your apartment looks like anyways."

"Then let's go." She said, in her regularly chipper Abby voice before taking off her seatbelt and getting out of the car.

Tony chuckled, feeling glad to see her happier again and he got out of the car as well, heading into Abby Sciuto's apartment for the first time.

"I hope you don't mind if I take a quick shower before I show you around." Abby told Tony as they stepped inside and Tony looked up and around in awe of the space she had. "Tony? Did you hear me?"

"Oh...yeah, yeah. I don't mind." He answered her.

"I normally wouldn't be so rude, but I kinda-"

"Feel gross after that man touched you?" Tony finished her sentence.

"Yeah...How do you do that, Tony?" Abby chuckled, just now realizing that he was actually really good at finishing her sentences, even at work, and he seems to understand her with whatever it is that she has to say.

"Hm?" He asked, not really hearing her last question considering he was still too distracted by how cool her living room was.

Abby chuckled and let him take it all in. "I'll be right back, Dinozzo. Look around all you want, but no snooping."

He nodded and repeated that so she knew he heard her. "No snooping. Got it."

She playfully rolled her eyes and went up her loft stairs into her bedroom to grab her skull and crossbones PJs, the top, a cami with a lacey collar bone and the bottoms, short shorts. Once she got her towel and her slippers as well, she went back down the stairs to go down the hall and into her bathroom, closing the door and starting the shower to warm up the water.

Tony continued to look around, smiling as he felt the Abby-ness in everything he observed. Even her desk and computer reminded him of her desk at work and he chuckled to himself, her quirks only making him wish he knew her even better than he did.

Once he finished looking around the living room and her desk, he finally sat down on her sofa, the sound of the water running from inside the bathroom reminding him that she was in the shower right now. He crossed one leg over his knee, leaning his head back against the back of the couch as he stared up at her ceiling, counting every metal beam holding the place up as if some child that was bored. Soon, he began to softly mumble lyrics from the song they danced to at the club as it was now stuck in his head.

His song, however, was soon interrupted by the sound of Abby's bathroom door opening in the hallway behind him.

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