*3 Days Till Europe* Relationship Advice

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Seb's POV:

Its been the hardest five years Carlos and I have ever been through together. Ever since that cruise ship that he planned our relationship has been a roller coaster of emotions and arguments. We argue about the stupidest things, from being me being homesick to wanting a pet since we don't live near my family farm anymore. We can't even have a proper conversation alone. The last time we talked one on one was when Gina invited us over to her place for dinner. That was like six months ago. Now, I'm stuck in this tiny apartment in New York City and I miss Sally my Cow and Alex my Sheep. It was Carlos' idea to move to New York City three years ago and lately I've been feeling homesick. He just doesn't understand that the city and Broadway life isn't for me. This morning we argued about the stupidest thing and now I don't know where Carlos is. I should be worried right? But I'm not because I finally have peace and quiet to pack for Europe. No Broadway tunes blasting from the shower, no arguing about stupid things, and no more silent treatment. I've decided that I'm going to apologize to him. I can't stand us fighting anymore even if he started most of the arguments.


While I was packing for Europe, my phone rang and I got a facetime call from Kourtney. I was not expecting her to call me since she should be busy with her wedding planning.

"Hey Seb, have you picked out what color tie you are going to wear to the wedding? Are you and Carlos matching? Do you think that I should have a bridal shower? Where's Carlos" I watched as Kourtney started stressing out and looking through color swatches on the video call.

"Ok, first of all you look gorgeous. Second of all, calm down, take a breath. It's okay to be nervous about getting married. Carlos and I haven't been on good terms. I actually don't know where he is." I bite my lip and wait for her to respond.

"Hold up. You and Carlos aren't on good terms? What is this high school all over again? I thought I'd come to you for relationship advice but it seems like you need it more than me. Seblos is iconic. You can't let that fail. You guys gotta talk to each other. Good old conversation." Kourtney stated over the phone.

She sounded more like a therapist than a bride to be over the video call. What's up with her and Giovanni?

"I'll talk to him when he gets back to the apartment. What's up with you and Giovanni? You ready for Europe?" I asked as I bit my lip again.

I watched as Kourtney bit her lip and pulled at her on the video call then pause for a moment.

"Do your parents approve of you being with Carlos? I mean like romantically? Like as a couple?" Kourtney replied as she stared off into the distance.

"Umm yeah.. why?" I replied not catching onto what she was saying.

"My mother thinks that I should be with Howie and she said something about Giovanni being in the tabloids. I talked to Nini about it and she told me 'to love who I want to' but I've been looking for these tabloids my mom was talking about and I can't find them anywhere. Do you think Carlos knows about the tabloids from Paris? You know since he reads all the gossip and not the real news." I watched as Kourtney rambled on about her love life problems.

"I don't know why don't you call him and ask him. He's been gone since this morning. He's been ignoring my texts too. Should I be worried? Should I apologize to Carlos for throwing his nail polish away. That's what we argued about." I run my hand through my hair and stop packing my toiletries.

"Yes, you should apologize. You know how Carlos feels about nail polish. I'll call Carlos and see if he knows anything about foreign tabloids. Good luck Seb. Don't forget communication is key in a healthy relationship." I hear Kourtney reply before she hangs up on the video call.

After Kourtney's call I continued to pack the clothes that I was going to wear in Europe, not long after I finished packing my phone rang again. This time it was an unknown number with a New York area code.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Big Red's POV:

"Come on, Seb pick up the phone." I mumbled to myself while I stare at the New York deli sandwich that I was planning on eating but now I'm not hungry.

"Hello?" I hear a familiar voice say on the other line.

"Hey Seb, do you and Carlos have any romantic plans for when you get to Europe. You know before Kourtney's wedding." I take a bite of my sandwich anyway and wait for a reply.

"Who is this?" Seb replies on the other line.

Oh. He must have deleted my number after that ship incident. I don't blame him though.

"It's Big Red and I am so sorry about what happened five years ago. The past is in the past. Now do you have anything romantic planned for when you and Carlos get to Europe?" I ask again and nervously take another bite of my sandwich.

I eat when I'm nervous. That's always been true. Even Ashlyn knows it.

"No. Why? and sorry I deleted your number after that cruise thing. I just needed a fresh start away from the drama." I hear Seb reply on the line.

"Is it too late to ask Ashlyn out again? I mean everyone deserves a second chance right?" I take another bite of my sandwich nervously and wait for his reply.

"I don't know. Why does everyone keep coming to me for relationship advice? Carlos and I aren't on good terms right now and Kourtney just called me about her problems with Giovanni. Why can't you fix your own mistakes? We're all adults now Big Red. See you in Europe. I'm going to wait for Carlos to get home. I swear if one more person from East High calls me asking for relationship advice I will turn my phone off." I hear Seb rant to me on the other side.

Sounds like everyone is struggling with their love lives.

"Wow. It really does seem like you and Carlos aren't getting along. Sorry for bothering you Seb. See you in Europe at the wedding." I reply as I hang up before Seb gets angrier.

I've never heard him so upset and frustrated before. He's usually really chill and easy to talk to.

Carlos and Seb acted like an old married couple in high school. Why aren't they married yet?

A/N: Sorry if this seems like a filler chapter. I promise the next few chapters will be more Intersting.  Also, I'm manifesting more Seb and Kourt moments in s3.

Europe Escapades: Book 2 in the Shipwrecked Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن