*1 Day till Europe* Big Plans

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E.J's POV:

It's been a few days since Max and I had dinner at Gina and Ashlyn's place and I have a feeling that something is going on with Gina. She seems different or uncomfortable. She's usually fine when Max and I are over but that night. She seemed like she had something on her mind and didn't even want to eat.

I am determined  to figure out what's going on with her because she's still my friend.


"Hey, are you all packed for France? We're leaving for the airport in less than 24 hours and you seem a bit distant E.J. Is everything okay?" I see my boyfriend come over and sit on what is soon to be our king size bed.

It's weird saying 'ours'. I've always thought I'd ask my wife to move in with me. But, no I guess I like guys now. I don't think Gina understands that though, that's why I never mentioned Maxwell to her. He just came into my life, like a distraction. Well, not a distraction but more like a handsome prince coming to save me from my identity crisis.

Can I be Bisexual and still like Gina? I guess I am about to find that out on this trip because Maxwell, Gina, and I have never been in the same place for more than a few hours.

My feelings for Gina are still to be determined since I'm always around Maxwell and not Gina.

"Huh? Oh um yeah. I'm just sitting here thinking about how crazy it is that we're going to live together," I reach over and hold his hand while still thinking about this trip.

"Oh, are you having second thoughts?" I watch as Maxwell backs away

"No. No, of course not. I mean it, when I say I want you to move in with me," I lean over and peck him on the lips.

"Okay. Good. I'm excited to move-in. I was just coming to tell you that I have something special planned for our one year dating anniversary. It's a special date night in Paris. So bring something nice to wear that isn't your wedding outfit," I look into Maxwell's eyes and realize that I totally forgot about our anniversary.

"Right. I'll go look for something to wear for that," I move away from him and grab my phone to distract myself from my thoughts about Gina.

"E.J, did you forget about our anniversary?" I hear Maxwell call my name again but I'm too busy staring at my phone screen.

Gina's facetiming me for some reason. Not that it's a problem but she never facetimes me. It's always a simple text message.

It's like she doesn't like talking to me anymore.

"No, of course not. I love you, don't ever forget that. Hey, could you run to to the store and get me another tube of toothpaste? I just ran out yesterday and haven't had a chance to buy one for the trip," I bite my lip and lean over to kiss him.

"Yeah, sure no problem. You sure you don't want to come?" I see Maxwell walk to the bedroom door.

"I'm kind of tired. I want to rest up before the flight. I don't sleep well on planes," I bit my lip since I promised myself I wouldn't lie this year. (A/N: well in Shipwrecked he slept like a baby on the plane sooooo....)

I'm trying to be a better person and so far that's not working out since I found out Ashlyn moved in with Gina.

"Ok, anything else you need? Like maybe some cuddling tonight?" I see Maxwell grab his jacket in the living room.

"I just need some rest before the flight. I'll see you tomorrow," I touch his hand before he leaves the apartment.


Gina's POV:

So the other night, Ashlyn came up to me and asked me why Big Red was here the other day. She ASKED me about Big Red. This is so exciting. Even better news is that she cried over him leaving the other day. Ok, so that's not good news that she was crying but it's good that she misses him and can confess it to me. I mean she's not exactly the best person to express her feelings. I remember when she got the part as Belle in the school musical and she freaked out about North High's Belle. I was there every step of the way, I was her roomie. But she did tell me last night why she left the cruise ship and went to the Outerbanks. It was because she was scared he didn't love her anymore and she couldn't handle the drama. But I know for a fact, that he does love her still. Now, it's time for me to be her roomie and best friend.

Operation redlyn is just beginning. I have a plan and it involves E.J Caswell. This is the only way I can get them back together. Even if I hate E.J for leaving me on read after I sent him thousands of messages after the cruise ship reunion ended.

Now, I have to FaceTime him. This is not something we wanna say over the phone. It's important.

"Hey," I look up at my phone screen to see E.J sitting on a velvet step stool inside his large walk-in closet.

"Hi," I hear E.J say as his voice cracks.

"Why are you in your closet and what are you holding behind your back?" I try my best to avoid the fact that he's shirtless.

"I'm looking for an outfit for Maxwell and I's one year anniversary date in Paris. Apparently, he planned something special. Should I wear a suit or just the dress shirt?," I watch as E.J pulls a blue blazer out from his closet without realizing that he's shirtless.

J pulls a blue blazer out from his closet without realizing that he's shirtless

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"Oh the suit looks nice on you. Um, Eeej, you forgot your shirt over there," I bit my lip nervously since I was trying to hide the fact that he was so attractive. (A/N: Nicknames are cool ;)

No, I can't say that. He's got a boyfriend. I respect that he's happy with him.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was trying on clothes when you called. What's up? I feel like we haven't talked in forever, but I just saw you the other day," I watch as E.J puts his shirt back on and faces the camera again.

"I have a plan to get Ashlyn and Big Red back together and I am going to need your help," I fake smile at him since it's his fault we haven't talked over the phone in forever.

"I'm listening," I surprisingly hear E.J say on the other line while I watch him put the Blue suit in his suitcase.

"Oh so your in on my plan, even though it might be stupid?" I keep staring at the little button that is loose on his polo-shirt.

"Yeah, I mean I want my cousin to be happy. And every time I come over to your place she seems like she's holding in all the happiness just for her guests and not herself. Also, I don't think your plans are stupid as mine. Remember the ones I made in high school? Now, those were stupid," I watch E.J talk through the phone as I stare st his cheekbones.

"Okay good. I want Ashlyn to be happy too. I'm glad that we're talking again. I miss our late night phone calls," I confess to him and don't regret a thing I have said.

"I do too." I hear E.J say as I begin to explain operation redlyn to him.

A/N: Damn I love that Blue Suit ;)

Europe Escapades: Book 2 in the Shipwrecked SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now