*Europe Day 4: Morning* Lost and Found

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Nini's POV:

I HATE Gina Porter so much. First, she kisses my husband on a cruise ship reunion that was meant to be fun, then she says she still has feelings for him, and she also told him not to tell me about some plan, and now she lost my child! Ugh, no wonder why we don't talk anymore.

Last night, I could of sworn I threw everything I ate up, maybe its because Ricky and I had unprotected sex and I was sore or maybe it was because I was nauseous hearing Ricky read Gina's text messages. I feel so guilty for having sex while my child went missing but it's still Gina's fault. Now, I've finally called all of my friends for an emergency meeting at 4:00 am in the morning in the hotel lobby. Without Gina.

I haven't even seen them all together in one room since the cruise so this 
is going to be weird but they need to help me find Isabella if Gina won't.


"Neens, calm down. You haven't slept for the past 12 hours and you refuse to eat anything. This isn't healthy. Stop shaking your leg," Ricky says to me as Ashlyn, Big Red, E.J, Maxwell, and Kourtney stare at me while they all yawn.

"Neeners, he's right, you should really eat something, and why'd you call us down here at so early in the morning?" Kourtney yawns fixing her hair.

"Where are the others?" I angrily cross my arms and wipe some tears.

Gina is going to be in big trouble if she doesn't find Isabella asap.

"Seb and Carlos are probably asleep. Giovanni is too. My mom is being a bitch. Don't ask. Now, why are we all sitting here?" Kourtney yawns again and demands from me.

"Because Gina Porter, lost my daughter and she hasn't been found yet. I was wondering if anyone has any information about her or has seen her. I knew that if I just texted that y'all would have gone back to sleep so I called you to come down here. I Hate Gina Porter," I screamed while Ricky rubbed my back.

"I think that we should get back to bed and maybe order some room service later," Ricky replies and rubs his eyes.

"So, you aren't concerned about your own daughter Richard?" I almost scream at him as Kourtney stares at me.

"I am but I'm just saying that you need to eat and sleep. This is unhealthy. I'm sure she will show up in the morning. Why are you taking this all out on Gina?" Ricky says as his voice cracks and he yawns again.

"Oh so now you're on Gina's side?!" I get up off his lap and walk over to Kourtney.

"I'm going back to bed, sorry Neeners," Kourtney replies making me frown.

"Me too, I was up late listening to Gina cry," Ashlyn exclaims while following her to the elevator.

I look over and see Big Red look at Ashlyn sympathetically.

"Us too," I hear E.J and Maxwell exclaim together.

"If it makes you feel better, Gina and I tried to look for her last night. We even told someone at the front desk to look out for her. It really isn't Gina's fault. She said that Isabella wanted to play hide and seek and got lost. I'm sure she just fell asleep somewhere and got lost. She will show up soon. I'm sure she misses you guys," Big Red half smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder.

Oh, so it isn't Gina's fault. I have to apologize to her and Isabella is going to have a time-out.


Ashlyn's POV:

After that very dramatic meeting with Ricky and Nini. I went back to bed thinking about Isabella. Well, I was thinking about Isabella but dreaming about Big Red but that story is for another time.

I got the good news this morning, that someone had found Isabella and brought her to the front desk. Ricky and Nini didn't say anything else though in their text message. Now, it's time to wake Gina up and tell her the good news. This is going to be interesting.

"Gina, wake up. Wake up, wake up," I shake her gently.

"Hmmm... what? Ashlyn, it's too early go back to bed," I hear Gina groan as I stare at her eyes.

They were bloodshot because she had been crying last night.

"It's actually 9:00 am. They found Isabella. She fell asleep somewhere," I mentioned and that seemed to wake her up.

"Oh my gosh that's great news. I have to go apologize to Ricky and Nini and I owe Big Red a favor," Gina shot out of bed and had a smile on her face.

Well someone's not going to be crying today anymore.

"A favor?" I question as Gina makes her bed and starts to text Ricky and Nini.

"It's nothing. No big deal. Anyways, how was your walk with Big Red last night? Or shall I say this morning?" Gina winked at me.

What is up with her? One second she's crying about Isabella and now she's asking me about Big Red. Is she on her period?

"What do you mean?" I stutter and play with my braids that Gina did for me.

"I heard him walk you to the door this morning. I was awake and had to use the restroom when you came back," Gina smiled while she did her hair in the mirror.

"It was nothing. He was just walking me back to my room since he noticed that I was super tired and could barely walk. Since somebody kept me up while they were crying about somebody's missing child," I changed the subject and grabbed my clothes for the day.

"Hey, don't change the subject Miss Caswell we will talk about this at breakfast," Gina replied but I was already in the bathroom turning on the shower.

"So, are you wearing that jacket because it's cold or because Big Red likes you in plaid?" Gina asked as I came out of the bathroom with my hair and makeup done

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"So, are you wearing that jacket because it's cold or because Big Red likes you in plaid?" Gina asked as I came out of the bathroom with my hair and makeup done.

"Oh shut up. Can't I wear something because I want to?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Your mood has really changed since you came on this trip. I'm glad you are a bit happier now," Gina replies while applying mascara.

"I never said I was happier," I nudge her shoulder making her ruin her mascara after she came out of the shower in a robe.

"Hey, I was working on that," Gina whined.

"Wait, so you admit that you aren't happy without Big Red?" Gina smirks as she takes out a makeup wipe to fix her eyelash.

"Oh my gosh, would you shut up. You sound like a paparazzi," I nudge her again making her ruin her mascara again.

Instead of retaliating Gina gets another makeup wipe and applies more mascara then winks at me. What is she up to? Why doesn't she understand that Big Red and I aren't a thing anymore? I do miss him but I'm scared to fall in love again. I don't know what to do.

A/N: this is an emotional rollercoaster

Europe Escapades: Book 2 in the Shipwrecked SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now