*Europe Day 6: Afternoon* Breakups and Makeups

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E.J's POV:

This morning I had breakfast alone. I avoided Maxwell last night for calling Gina a bitch, being too clingy, not liking my friends, and a for a bunch of other reasons. Now, I have to break up with him. Its only right if I'm going to be with Gina. I have to cut off Maxwell and I's relationship.

It's noon and I asked him to meet me at a restaurant in the downstairs of the hotel. I hope he comes.

"Where were you last night?" Maxwell walked up to the table I was sitting at and didn't even bother to sit down.

Well damn. I guess I don't love him anymore. He's not nice to my friends and that's a huge red flag for me.

"Maxwell sit down, we have to talk," I sighed while trying to be calm about this.

"No, where were you last night?," Maxwell stood behind his chair impatiently.

Okay, what has gotten into him? He's so overprotective of me being with my friends. I was the one who invited him on this trip.

"I was planning our break up. There I said it I'm breaking up with you and you aren't going to Kourtney's wedding tomorrow. You treat my friends like dirt. You are too clingy. You don't even know what I like anymore. Oh and we aren't moving in together," I say a bit too loudly to his face even though other people are in the restaurant.

"What? We can't break up. We're moving in together. I thought that you were going to be the co-CEO of my company. I thought that we had a future E.J," Maxwell finally sat down.

"I never said that I wanted to be your co-CEO. Stop making up things. See this is why I don't love you anymore. The relationship is all about what you want and not about what I want," I say as I face him.

"E.J, you know that's not true. We've been together for a year. Come on babe, I'm sorry," Maxwell says while unbuttoning his shirt.

"A year. Five years. A few days. I don't care how long we've been together. This trip has proven that we aren't meant to be together. I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you," I say as I grab my jacket and get up from my seat.

"Oh and I already paid the bill. I expect to see your stuff gone by tonight and I put the plane ticket on your side of the bed too. That's what you get for calling my friend a bitch," I slammed the check on the table and got up and left.

Damn that felt good. Now I can focus on operation redlyn and portwell. Well, I added the portwell part because well why not? Gina deserves her happily ever after.


Carlos POV:

I know that Seb doesn't like when I spend money on him but I had to buy us new engagement rings. That's right I said two engagement rings. Since I lost mine, I thought I would get us two matching ones. That way his doesn't seem weird. And I told him last night, that I was setting up a romantic date so he didn't think that I went MIA. Well, he kinda thought I went MIA but I only went shopping downtown. Now, I just have to find the perfect time to give it to him.

"Carlos! There you are. I tried to call you but your phone went straight to voicemail," I hear Kourtney exclaim from the elevator.

"It's probably because I never delete my voice mails. Too much spam. I don't bother. I'm waiting for Seb to fix his hair upstairs," I say as I sit in one of the chairs in the back of the lobby.

"I want to ask you to do me a favor," Kourtney whispers as she sits down close to me.

"Ok? Do you need wedding advice or fashion advice?" I question her.

Europe Escapades: Book 2 in the Shipwrecked SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now