Chapter Two

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Katsuki's POV
For some reason the idiots who insist on hanging around me are sitting with me at lunch. Raccoon Eyes is babbling about something to me. I just glare at everyone but for some reason they're immune to that shit.

I look around the cafeteria to see any other place I could sit to get away from these idiots. My eyes land on Deku. For some reason he's been extra clingy to icy hot all day. They're fucking holding hands all day and hugging. It's obvious that half and half bastard has a massive crush on Deku. Deku's too dense to notice though.

Unless... they can't be fucking dating right?!?!

"Hey Bakubro, are you okay? Your eye is twitching..." says Shitty Hair.

"Yeah you're glaring at Deku. Is it because he got first in practice today?" asks Dunce Face.

"Shut up you damn extras! Why are you always here?!?!" I shout.

"Aw, I think we're growing on him," says Raccoon Eyes grinning. Tch, whatever. It's too much effort to deal with them anyway.

"Fine if you losers want to cling to me then whatever. You're like a bunch of flies swarming around a piece of shit," I grumble.

"So if we're flies, then are you the piece of shit?" questions Dunce Face.

"DIE!!!!" I scream, tackling him. He tries to hit me with his electricity but I dodge. He ends up acting like a total idiot since his brain has short circuited.

The rest of those idiots are toying around with him now. At least I don't have to deal with them nagging me right now. I look over at Deku's table again. Weird, that icy hot bastard is gone. For some reason that makes me happy. Wait no he's walking back to the table now. Whatever, why do I care anyway?!?!?

"Where did you go?" Deku asks Icy Hot.

"I bought this chocolate bar. I heard it's a good brand," says Icy Hot.

"Huh, I thought you didn't really like sweets," replies Deku.

"I don't. I got it for you," responds Icy Hot.

Deku blushes, "W-What... uh I didn't get anything for you..." he starts that mumbling thing he does.

"Don't worry about it. I hear chocolate always cheers people up on a bad day. Just think of it as a gift from a friend trying to cheer you up," he says smiling.

"I still feel bad I didn't get you anything," says Deku.

"Hmm... well if we split it then it's not really a gift," replies Icy Hot.

"Alright! Thanks for sharing this with me," says Deku.

"Of course," says Icy Hot. He ruffles Deku's messy, green hair. I bet it's soft. Wait, what hell did I just think?!?!?!?

Icy Hot neatly peals the wrapper off the chocolate bar. He brings the chocolate bar in front of Deku's mouth.

"Here, take a bite," icy hot says.

"Wait um, shouldn't I break a piece off?" asks Deku.

"I don't mind," says icy hot.

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