Chapter Five

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Bakugo's POV
I kick open the door to the emergency room. The nurses and patients in the waiting room stare at me in shock. Stupid! Aren't they used to emergency medical situations by now?!?!?

"CAN YOU ALL STOP WAITING AROUND AND GET HIM SOME MEDICAL ATTENTION YOU DAMN EXTRAS?!?!" I shout. A couple nurses come out with a rolling hospital bed and put Deku on it. The white sheets are being stained red with his blood. Some doctor runs overs to to check on him.

"I'm not detecting a heart beat!" she shouts. I can't breathe. Can't move. Can't think straight. All I can think is, is Deku going to be okay?

"Get him to an operating room right away!" says the doctor, "and somebody call Recovery Girl!"

They start wheeling Deku away quickly. My feet move without thinking and follow after them.

One of the nurses places a hand on my chest, "I'm sorry, you have to stay in the waiting room."

I go back to the waiting room and sit down in one of the chairs. What if Deku dies? What would I do? No, stop it. Stop thinking about that, I tell myself. He's going to be okay. I'll kill the stupid nerd myself if he doesn't survive this!

Why does he have to be such a hero all the time? When I was younger I used to hate that about him. Still do sometimes. Even when he was weak and quirkless, he was always ahead of me in that. Always so damn heroic. It didn't matter how strong I got, he was just a better person. While I was always angry and petty and selfish, he'd be kind-hearted and generous. I felt like he was miles ahead of me even without a quirk.

And my stupid self decided to torment him for it. For my own inadequacy. For years I tried to break my childhood friend. And now he might die. Before I could even say I'm sorry.

-Time Skip-

Hours pass and it's around midnight now. Usually I get sleepy at around 8 pm every day but I'm not even tired now. I've been pacing around the mostly empty waiting room for god knows how long. A nurse walks into waiting room.

"Mr. Bakugo?" she says. I nod, unable to speak for once in my life. My mouth feels glued together. Please be okay. Don't you dare die on me nerd. She continues, "he's alright. We restarted his heart, gave him a blood transfusion, and stitched up his wounds. He's going to be alright but we'd like to keep him in the hospital for two more days. You can visit him now, but he's sleeping so try not to disturb him too much."

She leads me to the hospital room and I see Deku laying in a hospital bed. I sit down in a chair next to the bed. There's a bunch of monitors on him and an IV on his arm. Still he's okay. Peaceful even. I stare at his face unashamedly. Capturing how his long dark green eyelashes leave a shadow on his cheeks when they're closed, how his green hair actually has black highlights in it, and he how he seems to have just the right amount of freckles. I wish I could just freeze this moment in time so I could keep living in a world where Deku is relaxed around me instead of afraid.

The weight of the day finally hits me now that I see Deku is okay. I fall asleep, my head resting on arms, next to Deku's hand on the hospital bed.

I don't know how much time passes when I'm shook awake. I open my eyes to glare at whoever woke me up. It's that stupid icy hot bastard.

"What?" I ask.

"Quiet. He's sleeping," says Icy Hot. I reply with a tch and fold my arms, leaning back in my chair.

"Why are you here?" he asks annoyed, although it's hard to tell since he always seems to have that cold, stiff expression on his face.

"Why the fuck do you care?" I retort.

"Well since I'm here now, you can leave. I can take care of my boyfriend by myself," he says. It feels like I've been punched in the gut. My boyfriend.

"So you and him are together?" I grit out. It's taking every ounce of my willpower to not blow up right now. Deku being with someone else is seriously messing with my head right now.

"Yeah I am, so stay away from him from now on," says icy hot. Who the hell is he to tell me to stay away from Deku? We've been together our whole lives! Why would this icy hot bastard change that?!?

"I don't know how the hell that happened but you're all wrong for him," I growl.

"And why's that?" he replies smirking. First time he's smiled like that and I've already decided I hate it. Makes his face more punchable than normal.

"I see the way you look at him. It's creepy. And don't think I haven't noticed you taking photos of him when he isn't looking. Stealing some of his things like erasers and shit. Glaring at anyone that talks to him! I don't know, it's different than some stupid crush. Something's seriously wrong with it," I respond.

The smile on his face drops, "I don't know what you're talking about, but you better shut up! I love Izuku-kun. He's my whole reason for living. Everything I do is for my love toward him. I'd never hurt him," he says.

"I don't think it's love... something's off about it... It's more like an obsession! Ever since that damn sports festival!" I shout, "Ever since you fought Deku you've been going down this rabbit hole of obsession! You need to snap out of it!"

He laughs, "And what do you know Bakugo? About love? You're so stupid you can't even tell you're in love with him too!"

"Now you've really lost it! Me in love with that pathetic Deku?!?!" I scoff.

"Really? When you were rushing him the ER, you didn't feel that you're whole world would end if he died? I know you did. I would too. Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Even if you do love him, I wonder, are you even capable of love? Because that would mean that you've been tormenting the one you've loved for years. What if he killed himself? I can't even imagine the emotional scars he must-"

I punch him in the nose. Blood drips down from it and he clasps it with one of his hands.

"See, violence is all you know. All you do is hurt everyone around you. He'd be better off if he never met you," he says.

I stumble out of the hospital room and lean against the wall of the hospital hallway. He's right. Right about two things. I love Deku and... I'm a monster for hurting him the way I did.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

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