Chapter Three

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Izuku's POV

Shoto and I have been dating for three weeks now. We should probably go public soon, although Uraraka already knows since she's my best friend. We decided to take things slow since I wasn't completely over Kacchan. I don't have any feeling for him now, right?

I still feel my heart fluttering when he's around though. Maybe once you've had a crush on someone that feeling never goes away. Can you have a crush reversal? That would make sense, but I guess I don't really know since the only person I've had a crush on is Kacchan. With Shoto we just delved right into a relationship without me crushing on him first.

Ugh, I need to stop thinking about Kacchan. I'm with Shoto now. And Shoto has been so good to me. To not like I could ever be with Kacchan anyway. Even if I could, what Shoto's been saying is probably true, he wouldn't treat me as well as Shoto does. I feel bad though for thinking of Kacchan when I'm with Shoto. Shoto tells me it's okay and he knows what he was getting into but that just makes me feel worse. He's so nice about it and such a great boyfriend. Meanwhile here I am being a really crappy one. Maybe I shouldn't have done this. Maybe we should take a break and I should wait till I'm more ready to date someone else. The last thing I want is to hurt Shoto. I'll have to talk to him about this.

"Midoriya! Are you paying attention to me???" asks Mr. Aizawa.

"Ah y-yes sir! Sorry!" I cry out. Oh no! I zoned out during class!

"Alright what's the answer to the question then?" he demands. I look up at the board and it has a trigonometry problem on the board.

"The angle is 69 degrees sir," I reply. Thank god I did all the problems for this unit in the textbook last night so I recognized this one.

"Okay, but in the future try to tone done the mumbling. It's distracting," he grumbles. I look over at Shoto. He mouthes, you're distracting, and winks. I feel my face get hot and bury my head in my textbook. I can't believe Shoto would flirt with me in class! Usually he's not that forward when it comes to stuff like that at least in public. Kacchan lets out a growl, and one of his hands crackles with a small explosion. He's glaring at Shoto again. Ever since we've been dating Kacchan has been getting angry whenever he sees us do anything together. I guess me being in a relationship disgusts him that much. He probably thinks I'm getting distracted from my hero work by being in a relationship. Another weakness for him to add to his list of mine I guess.

I discretely pull my phone out of my pocket. I pull up messenger and click on my chat with Shoto.

Izu 💚: hi! can we meet after class?
Sho 😍😊: Of course. Where?
Izu 💚: my room?
Sho: Ok.

After solving some more math problems, the bell rings. Shoto takes my hand as we leave class. We walk to my dorm. Once we get in my dorm I close the door behind us. I turn around nervously to Shoto.

"What's wrong Izu?" says Shoto.

" I've been thinking of our relationship. I think we should take a break," I say. He looks so crestfallen. Tears start building up in his eyes threatening to tumble over.

"Why? I thought everything was going well. Did I do something wrong?" he responds.

"No! No, you've been great. I just feel bad that I think I may still have feelings for Kacchan. You deserve to be with someone that can fully devote themselves to you. I think we should take a break so I can get over Kacchan and date when I'm more ready. I don't want to hurt you," I say.

"This is hurting me more!" he cries out.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what to do. I don't want to keep hurting you! I really like you and want to be with you but I don't want my other feeling holding us back," I reply.

"Maybe you should try harder? You shouldn't quit before you've even tried!" protests Shoto.

"I've been trying. I just can't turn it off and on like a light switch! I think I just need more time," I say.

"Well I still see you talking to him. That isn't really trying," he says.

"I only talked to him once because we got paired up for training," I reply defensively. I have been avoiding Kacchan as much as I can because it upsets Shoto.

"What about all the other guys?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I see you talking with the other guys in class all the time!" he shouts.

"What? I'm not interested in any of them though. We're seriously just friends. I really wouldn't date them," I say.

"You seem to hang out with Iida a lot," he replies bitterly.

"That's crazy! I'd never date Iida. We're seriously not like that. He's more like a strict older brother to me than anything," I reassure him.

"You shouldn't be talking to any guys without me there! I'm your boyfriend, you shouldn't be talking to any other guys when you have me! I've been so patient and you're not even trying. Do you have any idea how it makes me feel?" he says crying.

It hurts me to see him so sad. Maybe he's right, and I'm not trying enough. I didn't think this would hurt him this much! Who am I kidding, of course he'd be upset if I asked for a break! I'm just being selfish. It's my fault our relationship isn't perfect, I should be the one working to fix it.

"I'm sorry Sho. I'll try to be better! I'll be a better boyfriend. I promise that I won't talk to guys if it makes you upset. I'll make sure you're there whenever I'm with my friends. I'll try harder," I say, hugging him.

"It's okay, baby. I forgive you. Just please don't say you'll ever leave me again," he responds, kissing me on the forehead.

-----------Time Skip-----------

I want to check in on my mother today since she's probably still upset about the appearance of my father so I decide to go home. Most of the others are staying in their dorms today since it's a weekday.

I walk home, leaving the UA campus. My home is pretty close by so it's not that hard to go home if I need to. I walk down a street when suddenly I hear shouting coming from an alley. I peak into the trash littered alley and my stomach drops.

I see a man with dark black hair and blue eyes. He has purple burns in patches over his body held together by staples. Dabi.

Next to him is another man with grey hair even though he looks to be in his thirties. He has black pointed eyes and two long creases between his eyebrows. He's holding a bloody knife. Dabi sends a blast of blue flames at the man but the man starts glitching? He then reappears behind Dabi.

I should go run to the pros. I don't think they see me yet. I look over and see the man glitch again and suddenly appear behind Dabi. He stabs Dabi in the back, and pulls out the knife. Dabi collapses on the ground and starts bleeding out. I see a large puddle of blood flow out of him.

I don't know why but I'm running toward the alley. Idiot! Now they can see me! Why did I have to run over because of a moment of sympathy for a villain! He's killed countless people and I should have run to the pros to report him, not thrown myself into danger! Now I'm probably going to be killed for being so stupid!

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