𝟎𝟎𝟔; 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦

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- ͙۪۪̥˚ vibez ˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

WASTED. the group of friends were absolutely wasted. crates now filled up of empty beers took up the entirety of the space the group had assigned themselves for tonight. as the day went on, and when they weren't as drunk as they were now- jonah alongside the help of natalie set up a little campfire to keep the friends warm whilst out on the beach tonight.

with a few more rounds of truth and dare having been played- ranging from doing shots off eachother to throwing one another in the pool- the group decided now it was time to just chill.

well, chill as much as you could with people like octavia and zach around. the two youngests of the group were clearly off their head on alcohol, it making it amusing not only to themselves, but the rest of the group also as they ran around in circles- playing a game of tag with just the two of them.

it wasn't until jonah grabbed zach, sitting him down that the two finally decided to sit down and continue drinking that way.

"hide and seek."

"what?" giovanna glanced up from her beer bottle she had been examining for god knows what reason, focusing her attention onto octavia who sat with her head on zach's lap.

"i think we should play hide and seek." an exchange of ooo's, mainly from zach and athena- as the two clearly looked very intrigued on what octavia was getting at. "-but it's not the normal boring hide and seek."

"okay?" corbyn spoke, hoping his confusion in his words will indicate for octavia to elaborate on her plan.

a squeal came out of her mouth as she noticed all of the groups attention on her, them all interested into what way of hide and seek she wanted to play. sitting herself up from leaning her head on zach's lap- much to his protest- octavia crashed her legs, her hands resting on her thighs.

"okay so- here's my thinking i thin- okay jack fuck you for making that face when i said I've been thinking." laughs were heard when octavia interrupted her game plan, throwing a middle finger to jack who stuck his tongue out in response. the curly haired one of the group leaned close to athena, whispering something that must have been hilarious- the two bursting out into fits of laughter.

"-as i was saying. it's not normal hide and seek." octavia continued, giovanna nodding her head as her one of her best friends spoke. "teams. one team are hiding, one are seeki-"

a hiccup interrupted octavia, sending the drunken friends into once again another laughing frenzy.

"-one team of seekers, one of hiders. but the thing is, each of the seekers will be assigned an hider. to which the hiders won't know who they have to avoid."

"way to make hide and seek complicated tavi." giovanna commented, thalia nodding her head in agreement.

"whatever gia." giovanna let out a laugh as octavia shrugged her off, even though she struggled to hide the small on her face.

"oh i have an idea."

"that's never a good thing to hear."

"right gia fuck you."

"love you too avery." she blew a kiss, jack narrowing his eyes at her before the two engrossed themselves into a staring contest. it wasn't a surprise then to the group that the two ended up laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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