Chapter 1

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Y/N's dad is the Commander of the Military Police. Not only has she stayed inside the walls her whole life like everyone else, but her dad for the most part keeps her in the MP Headquarters as well. The few people who have been able to see her talk of her beauty. Everyone knows of her, but she's been shut away. She is only allowed outside the walls for training. This is due to the power her father has and the fact that Y/N's mom died at the hands of a titan. Her father remarried and had a son named Jack who is Y/N's half brother. Unfortunately, Jack's mom died during childbirth. Y/N has spent her whole life training rigorously to become strong and also to become a weapon against the titans. It's all she knows. Which is why it has always been her dream to join the Scouts. It means she will be able to slay the Titans and have her freedom. (Onto the slowburn u dirty whores)


Living in the Trost District there's always too much light to see the true beauty of the sky. But I saw it the first time I attempted to escape from it all. Just outside of Wall Rose and deep into the forest, that was when I truly saw the night sky. It lit up with different hues of indigo and jewel tones, with stars that bled through almost too perfectly. It got me thinking about what actually lies in the sky. This painting I was working on was my depiction of what stars looked like up close. There was always more to add, so I'm not sure it will ever be finished.

I continue to get lost in my imagination when a member of MP slams open my door.

"How about some goddamn privacy, huh?" I spat, although I could tell from the look on the MP's face something was wrong.

"It's your father F/N. You're aware he hasn't been well for a while now. And well... to put it blunty he has... p-passed away. In his sleep." The soldiers face was solemn and terrified. "If it brings you any reassurance I'm sure he died peacefully."

   I stopped what I was doing and made my way to his bed chambers immediately. This can't be it, I'm not ready to take his title. Making my way over there, nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see. The guards stood aside and allowed me to enter his bedroom. But when I entered his eyes had glassed over. He was lifeless. I looked at my brother standing by his bedside with the doctor and he let out a deep sigh.

"Our father has given his last orders and has chosen you as the new Commander of the Military Police." said Captain Jack.

  Jack's words made what I was dreading all the more real. I looked at him wide eyed, still trying to process everything, but this wasn't the kind of thing I was going to process anytime soon. I had always known I was going to take the title of Commander but not so soon. I thought I had more time than this. As soon as this is all done I'm going straight to my room to process my emotions, but for now I need to be civilised. I cannot risk having a public outburst as a new Commander. People will talk of it, and I could lose respect almost immediately. My father did not matter to me in this moment, as I am a trained soldier. What mattered now was figuring out what to do. I could rebuild the Military Police from the ground up, but so could my brother standing in the room with me. I've known Jack for a long time and he is always attempting to make change. He would make a fine Commander. Now that my father is gone I have the power and free will to become a Scout. The real question is, do I want to run wild and free like a Scout, or hold the responsibility and honor of a Commander? I sighed and turned to Jack.

"Captain, as per right now I am in charge so you are going to listen very closely. I want a meeting with Commander Erwin of the Scouts as soon as possible. I am going to ask him to join the Scouts and if he says yes, the Commander position is yours. You know I have always intended on becoming a Scout regardless of fathers wishes, and I will not be hearing any push back from you on this. If this is to go my way, I know everything will be in good hands. You're dismissed Captain." Jack looked at me with the same wide eyed expression I had given him earlier.

I began walking back to my room to process everything, and to figure out exactly what in the fuck I'm going to do.

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