Chapter 6

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   I had never seen the countryside before. I had only ever read about it in books and seen it in paintings. Although, it's a lot more dull looking than the paintings. I guess the richness is in experiencing it. I let myself become lost in thought until I heard loud, rumbling footsteps far off in the distance. We all perked up at the same time.

"Tch. A Titan." Levi said in disgust.
"Y/N stay here, you're not wearing any ODM gear." Erwin warned.

Levi suddenly turned to me while checking the gas on his ODM gear. "You're training isn't going to begin at headquarters, it will begin here. Take my gear and show me you're not worthless."

"Levi, she's never fought a Titan before, this is completely out of the question!" Erwin said in his commanding tone.
"With all due respect Commander, we don't have time to argue this. It has spotted us and is approaching faster." I said and gave Erwin a look of determination. Levi opened the carriage door and hopped onto the roof. I smiled at Erwin, "Have a little faith Commander." I let out a maniacal laugh and hoisted myself onto the roof with Levi.

The Titan was nearly upon us and its footsteps shook the carriage and the ground beneath us. It was about a 14 meter, and the closer it got the more nervous I was becoming. Me and Levi looked at each other as I waited for his confirmation. It was getting faster, but I knew if I wanted to do this right I had to listen to Levi. He nodded and I shot off into attack mode. But this was my first Titan, so I was going to have to go big and remember my training.

While moving in, I remembered my mother. And remembered that day. If I wanted to impress them and show them I could hold my own, I needed to remember it all. I let myself remember holding her lifeless body in my arms and let out a blood curdling cry. I started going faster, and faster, and faster methodically in order to maintain enough gas. There was now more open bone and flesh on the Titan than skin. In my final moment I sliced off the Titans arms. But just as I was hooking around to slice its neck, its head turned so fast. The Titan looked at me and for a split second I lost my momentum. And that was all it took for me to be engulfed into its mouth.

Authors Note: I'm back bitches, looks like you're gonna get your smut after all.

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