Chapter 5

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Most of the carriage ride was spent with us all filling out paper work and signing forms.

"So when I'm a Cadet this paperwork thing is going to stop, right?" I groaned

Erwin chuckled, "For the most part. But based on your reputation, you'll probably be up in the ranks and back to filling out paperwork in no time."

"If I'm the one who's going to oversee her training, I doubt she'll have such an easy time" Levi said.

"What, afraid humanities strongest soldier may have a rival? You have your title, but I earned mine just as you did. Humanities strongest weapon doesn't have a bad ring to it either. I do wish they'd get more creative with the names though. Maybe then you'd be less bitter." I said in a charming and playful tone.

Erwin gave me a warning glance that I was embarking on dangerous territory. And although Levi seems calculated, I can tell he's absolutely pissed.

"If you think you're so special, we'll see how special you feel once I'm done with you. If you've forgotten already due to that ego of yours, I am your commanding officer and that means you are to listen to and respect me as such. As soon as we get to these headquarters, your training will begin. Is that clear, Cadet?"
Levi's expression hadn't changed, but his tone said it all. I smirked in return.

"That is enough from you two. I failed to take into account you two being at odds could become dangerous. If you two cannot come to coexist, you will have repercussions. Do we have an understanding?" Erwin said in his Commanding tone.

"Yes sir." we both said in unison.

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