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The next time Minho opened his eyes was around noon. His head pounded as he looked around with sore eyes, glancing at Jisung asleep next to him. The hybrid's throat felt dry, so once he spotted his bottle on the nightstand, he tore himself away from the other and crawled over to the side of the bed to have a drink. Minho greedily gulped down the remaining water before crawling back to Jisung and snuggling into the rapper's side. Resting his aching head on the other's chest, he could easily hear the calm heartbeat, which helped him go back to sleep, holding his blanket in one hand and Jisung's shirt in the other.

Jisung woke up around an hour later and sadly looked down at the little, cuddled up to him. He picked up his phone to check the time, noticing that it wasn't only afternoon already but also that he had numerous missed calls from Chan and Changbin. Knowing the two were most likely worried out of their minds by know, Jisung carefully shifted Minho off of his chest and climbed out of bed. The rapper made his way to the kitchen and laid out the ingredients he'd need to make pancakes before dialing Chan's number. Putting the Aussie on speaker, Jisung started to prepare a meal for himself and Minho. Like he had predicted, his hyungs had been really worried but easily accepted that he had been sleeping. "I'm sorry about yesterday", Jisung hummed, knowing he had once again left the other two to work on their own. Shaking his had at the younger, Chan sighed: "Don't worry about it, Sung. But for the future, please tell us you need a break before it escalates like this, I know, I've said it time and time again but I'll keep reminding you till you learn." - "I will, hyung", Jisung lied, convinced the only reason he had felt so bad yesterday was his gut-feeling telling him Minho needed help. He also managed to get Felix' phone number from Chan, claiming that way Minho could communicate with the other dancer till they got him his own phone. In reality, Jisung just really wanted to talk to a hybrid that wasn't Minho to get some general questions about hybrids out of the way without making things awkward between him and Minho.

When the call ended, 3racha had agreed for Jisung to take the rest of the afternoon and the following day off to rest, though the youngest didn't plan to rest at all. He was determined to help Minho feel better and figure out what happened the previous night. With the best intentions, the rapper made pancakes for both of them although he might have been too confident in his cooking skills. Half of the pancakes were either burned or torn but oh well, nobody's perfect. Jisung was just about to lay the table when the doorbell rang and he hurried to open, so whoever was there wouldn't ring again and wake Minho. He was overjoyed when it was the mailman delivering the pacifier he had ordered a while ago. This would hopefully cheer the hybrid up if he was still feeling low. Knowing the other would have to get up soon if they wanted their pancakes to still be warm, Jisung unpacked the pacifier and washed it off over the kitchen sink before placing it into a small box that he slipped into his pocket. He made his way to the bedroom and could already hear Minho's soft snores, feeling guilty that he had to wake him but he didn't want the other's sleeping pattern to be messed up entirely.

This is the pacifier he had ordered:

This is the pacifier he had ordered:

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