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When Minho came out of his headspace, he was mortified. Nobody was supposed to know about him being a little and he had slipped in front of the entire friend group. Even worse, he had slipped over something as trivial as a little scrape on his knee. He felt awful that their hangout had been cut short because of him but Jisung was there, reassuring him that he didn't mind to take him home early and that he had spoken to Chan, who told them they had bonded well with Seungmin and Jeongin even after the couple had left, so Minho had nothing to worry about. He also reminded the hybrid that none of their friends had reacted badly to him being little but Minho insisted that they were just too polite to show him how disgusted and weirded out they were. It was as if he tried to get Jisung to agree with his self-loathing thoughts but the rapper never did. Minho even locked himself in the bathroom for an hour after Jisung kept denying every bad thing the older said about himself. When the hybrid found Jeongin's message on his phone again though, he was finally able to calm down.

Sniffling, he shuffled out of the bathroom and rubbed his eyes. His ears still drooping, Minho curled up against his mate's side, relaxing when the other petted his ears. "I'm sorry", the hybrid mumbled quietly. When Jisung stayed quiet, he continued: "I know you meant well, I was just too freaked out to believe you." - "I wouldn't lie to you, hyung", the rapper whispered, running his fingers through Minho's silver hair, "Everybody handled it surprisingly well. I was confused too about how calm they stayed but I wouldn't lie to you." - "I know", the older agreed, unlocking his phone. He wordlessly handed it to Jisung, so the younger could read Jeongin's message. "I let him get beat up", Minho whispered, his heart aching as he thought back to it, "I stood there and videoed it, while he must have been terrified. How he didn't slip back then is a mystery to me, so no wonder Seungmin was so mad at me." - "You didn't know", Jisung hummed, pressing a kiss to his mate's hair although he knew he would've been furious too if Seungmin had let anything happen to Minho.

It was Jisung's idea to reach out to the other couple and arrange a play date for both littles. Minho was a bit skeptical, never having been around another little but Jeongin was the most outgoing in his headspace. That was the main reason, Seungmin was never able to take him out in public while in his headspace. The younger was too friendly and would approach strangers as if they had been friends for years and the risk of him revealing his secret was too high. Even if Seungmin was with him the entire time, it would only take a second of distraction for Jeongin to slip away from his caregiver and approach someone to play with him. That was why he was immediately hyped to visit Minho and Jisung at their apartment to be little together.

They agreed that Minho and Jeongin would walk home together after their shift, where Jisung would be waiting for them with lunch. Seungmin had an exam that day but would come over as soon as he was done. Jeongin was worried about stressing his mate out when he had already had a tough day with his exam but the older assured that watching him play carefree helped him relax too, so when ending their shift, Minho bought a bunch of cupcakes from the café before they made their way home. Jeongin carrying a small bag with his most important littlegear, so he'd be all set even without Seungmin there. He was nervous, not having slipped without his mate present for a very long time. Plus, Minho and Jisung had never seen him little. What if they couldn't handle his bold and outgoing behavior because they only knew Minho's quiet and sensitive one?

He didn't have to worry too much though, as Jisung greeted both of them with a hug. Minho slipped as soon as his mate touched him, allowing his ears and tail to pop out, while Jeongin shyly stood by the door. "Come on in", the rapper chuckled, "You can go ahead and slip too, Innie." The younger still had a hard time slipping in an unfamiliar environment without his caregiver but when Jisung helped him out of his jacket and guided him to the bathroom to wash his hands with a happily smiling Minho on his other side, his mind naturally went fuzzy. Jisung had gotten them springrolls for lunch because it was something the littles could easily eat with their hands and seemed like the right choice.

Jeongin soon became more talkative when he had finally slipped entirely. They munched on their springrolls, Minho's ears twitching with curiosity as the situation was so new to him. His tail was wrapped protectively around the back of Jeongin's chair, which Jisung found most adorable. To the rapper's surprise, Jeongin was perfectly clean after finishing his meal, while Minho's hands and face were sticky. He had assumed all littles were messy eaters but it seemed only his mate was. "Innie, why don't you go to the living room and unpack your stuff? I'll just clean this messy kitten up and we'll be right back", Jisung smiled, picking a giggly Minho up. Beaming, Jeongin nodded and got up to retrieve his little gear.

When Jisung placed Minho down on the carpet next to Jeongin, the younger already waited with his pacifier bobbing between his lips, a puzzle in front of him. "Chu wan' puzzwe togethew?", the boy slurred, pointing at the box. Minho nodded enthusiastically, eyes wide with wonder as Jeongin dumped the pieces onto the carpet. Spotting the boy's sippy cup on the coffee table, Jisung asked: "What kind of juice do you like best, Innie?" - "Me wike gwape juicey a wot", the younger smiled cutely, making the rapper coo. He picked up the sippy cup and headed to the kitchen to fill it with grape juice, grabbing a box of apple juice for Minho. When he returned, Minho and Jeongin were sorting the puzzle pieces into edge parts and center parts, the hybrid sniffing puzzle pieces to figure out whether they belonged next to each other or not. It confused Jeongin greatly as he didn't understand what the other little was doing. Minho soon had to realize that the scent of the pieces didn't tell him anything about their location and that he'd just have to try if they fit.

Jeongin giggled at the look of realization flashing across his friend's face when he was able to match a piece. Minho proudly clapped his hands and Jisung patted his head as a silent praise. The boys didn't have the longest attention span though and they soon got distracted with their puzzle only half finished. It all started with Jeongin poking Minho's side, making the other squeal before a tickle fight broke out between the two of them, Jisung laughing as he tried to move the puzzle out of the way for them to continue later. Jeongin hadn't known what he had gotten himself into when starting a tickle fight. He hadn't counted on the hybrid's fast reflexes, nor on his tail, which now brushed against his neck, while the other's fingers tickled his tummy. The two rolled around on the carpet, Jeongin eventually begging for Minho to stop because he couldn't breathe through his laughter and the two littles eventually laid side by side, giggling and gasping for breath.

Jisung was on his phone after Seungmin had texted him that he had finished his exam and was on his way over. The rapper told him that everything was going well, their littles getting along, and that they had saved him some lunch, though they could also wait a little longer and eat cupcakes for tea if the younger would rather have something sweet after his exam. Seungmin replied that it didn't matter all that much what he ate and that he cared more about being with his mate but that he didn't mind having some sugar as he knew little Jeongin could be energetic and it wouldn't be as bad for the hybrid to be a little silly and hyper too. It was the only time when the couple's energy levels matched and Seungmin loved not having to feel guilty about being too energetic around his mate. Glancing at the two littles, Jisung was satisfied that they had gone back to their puzzle and headed to the kitchen to prepare some milk tea for all of them to have with their cupcakes later. He had discovered not too long ago, that Minho's vanilla almond milk gave the tea additional sweetness and matched the overall flavor of the tea well, so the littles would hopefully like the drink as well. But littles liked sweet things in general, so he doubted he'd have to worry much about it.

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