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Chan too eventually went back to sleep but it was still a short night for all of them. In the early morning hours, he texted Changbin, letting the other know what was going on and that they wouldn't meet at the studio that day. Not having gotten a good night's sleep, Minho wasn't too talkative when Chan settled him at the breakfast table. Worried about his mate, the little barely had an appetite but let Chan talk him into nibbling a slice of toast. Jisung wasn't doing much better than the previous night. His fever wasn't as high but it still left him hazy and lethargic. Chan already made an appointment for the younger before trying to get him to have at least a small breakfast but there was no use. Jisung didn't have an appetite at all and with his throat so sore, he could barely swallow water, he also didn't want to push through the pain.

"You have a doctor's appointment in about two hours", Chan informed quietly, handing Jisung a steaming cup of tea. The rapper had curled up on the couch, blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he faded in and out of consciousness. He gave a small nod, muffling a painful, barking cough into his blanket before glancing up at his hyung with teary eyes. Chan had settled Minho in front of the TV, a cartoon playing on low volume too keep the little occupied without aggravating Jisung's headache. Feeling the rapper's forehead again, Chan whispered: "Is there anything I can do to make it better?" The younger shook his head, picking up his phone. 'Thank you for coming over last night. I wouldn't have been able to take care of Minnie', he typed, showing the screen to Chan. "Of course", the Aussie cooed, "Don't worry about it." They glanced at Minho, his paci bobbing cutely between his lips as he lay on his tummy on the carpet, eyes trained on the screen in front of him.

Rubbing his face into his blanket, Jisung gave a thick sniffle. He had tried to blow his nose earlier but the pressure had sent a stabbing pain through his face and brought tears to his eyes, so he hadn't dared to try again, despite being so stuffed up that his hearing became muffled. Chan took a seat next to Jisung, allowing the younger to cuddle into his side. Running his fingers through his dongsaeng's hair, the Aussie started to lightly scratch the younger's scalp and smiled when he closed his eyes. "We should find you a scarf before we head out", Chan mused, "It's not necessarily cold but it's kinda windy and the last thing we need is you getting worse." Glancing at Minho, he added: "I checked on google maps, there's a playground only a block down from the doctor's office. I'll take Minho there after dropping you off and you can just come and join us once you're done. Sounds alright? Thought it might take his mind off of things." Jisung nodded, weakly clearing his throat before abandoning the blanket and heading to his room to pick out a scarf.

Minho had become pretty whiny when they left the apartment, clinging to Jisung's hand, while the rapper himself clung to Chan's arm for support. The pair had a hard time parting, once they arrived in front of the doctor's office but Chan eventually managed to tug Minho away and down the street, so Jisung could go to his appointment. It had caused a few tears but the Aussie shushed: "He'll be fine, Min. The doctor will help him and we just gotta wait for him, yeah? We'll just hang out here for a bit and wait till he's done." Once Minho had calmed down a bit, he even sat on the swing and allowed Chan to push him. Not much though because he was afraid to swing too high. The Aussie turned when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, I figured you'd be here from what you last texted me", Changbin hummed, holding up a bag, "I got tissues, cough drops and a few cans of soup. Gotta make sure the kid eats well." – "Thanks", Chan smiled, hugging the younger, "Sungie should be back from his appointment soon, so we can all walk back to his place together. Maybe stop at a pharmacy too if he gets a prescription to fill." Changbin nodded, waving at Minho when the hybrid stopped the swing and looked at him with big, innocent eyes. "Damn, is that Jisung?!", the rapper gasped when they heart a painful barking cough further down the street. Glancing in the direction of the noise, Chan frowned: "Surely sounds like it...."

Jisung was still coughing into his scarf as he sluggishly trudged towards the playground. "Hey, mate", Chan smiled sadly, waving the younger over to a bench. Weakly plopping down on the bench, Jisung drew his knees up to his chest and rested his forehead on them, drained from the walk. Changbin took a seat next to him, rubbing his back and chuckling at the confused look he received. Holding up his shopping bag, Changbin smiled: "Chan texted me, saying you weren't feeling well, so I stocked up on some supplies. How're you holding up?" Rubbing his nose into his scarf, Jisung pulled out his phone and typed for a moment before holding it out to his hyungs. 'Throat and sinus infection. Got a prescription for some stuff.' – "Oh dear, you're really not messing around, huh?", Chan frowned, ruffling his dongsaeng's hair while Minho rushed over to hug his mate, not really understanding what the diagnosis meant but Chan's reaction scared him.

"Let's get you home, you're not going to get any better out here and we can fill your prescription on the way back", Changbin hummed, offering the younger his arm for support. Worriedly making eye contact with Chan, Minho took the Aussie's hand and waddled along while Changbin guided Jisung to the pharmacy. When they returned, the younger was clutching a paper bag, containing a throat spray, some decongestant pills and antibiotics. He was hopeful the medication would ease his discomfort some but he still cursed the trip, feeling even more drained now. "So, the throat spray should numb the pain some, so you can have some soup and take the antibiotics afterwards", Changbin concluded the instructions the pharmacist had given them. Jisung nodded, barely having paid attention to what he had been told but luckily his hyung had been with him.

Minho was already starting to get whiny again from being sleep-deprived and worried about his mate but Chan was quick to shush him, whispering: "We'll get you both a tasty lunch and once we got your daddy medicated, the two of you can take a nap, okay?" Gnawing on his lip, Minho nodded. He just wanted Jisung to be okay now but the rapper only seemed more winded the longer they walked. Leaning into Changbin's side, Jisung felt himself grow more and more shaky and he slowly started to doubt he'd even make it home. He did, though he ended up so lightheaded, Chan had to remove his shoes for him before Changbin scooped him up and deposited him on the couch. "Dada?", Minho pouted, grabbing the fluffy blanket and pulling it over Jisung's trembling form. Keeping his eyes closed, the rapper shot him a smile and mouthed: "'m okay."

Jisung could hear Chan and Changbin rummage around the kitchen but kept his eyes closed. His head was pounding and he felt like all his strength had left him. Not surprising, considering the fever and the fact that he hadn't been able to eat. Jisung felt someone nudge his arm and blinked at Chan, who crouched next to the couch. "I got you some water", the older smiled, "We put some dino nuggets into the oven for Minnie and Changbin is heating up some soup for you, so you can take your medicine. If you don't mind, we'll raid your ramen supply." Nodding, Jisung propped himself up and accepted the glass. He only managed to get a few sips down, wincing at the pain in his throat. As he lay back down, he could hear Changbin calling for Minho, so they could get the little into some more comfortable clothes to nap in after their meal.

Having been in a daze, Jisung went along with whatever his hyungs asked of him. He took his throat spray when Changbin handed it to him and waited for a few minutes, almost drifting off when the pain slowly dulled. They wouldn't let him though. Before Jisung could fall asleep, Chan patted his shoulder and handed him a bowl of soup, which the younger obediently slurped, a small smile forming as he listened to Minho munching on his dino nuggets. The hybrid's little 'nom's were just too adorable. When they had all finished their lunch, Changbin handed Jisung his medication, which the younger sluggishly rinsed down with a few sips of water before wrapping the blanket around his shoulders and staggering to the bedroom. While the rapper tried his best to get comfortable despite the aches, Chan made sure that Minho had his pacifier and helped the little settle in next his mate. Placing Jisung's phone onto the nightstand, Chan instructed: "If you need anything, shoot a text to our group chat or have Minho fetch us, okay? I'll only pop back to my place to collect my laptop and then Changbin and I will be working in the living room." Jisung nodded, pulling Minho into his arms.

The hybrid started to purr softly behind his pacifier but something wasn't right. Jisung smelled weird, the disinfectant and cleaning product scent from the doctor's office still clinging to him. Minho didn't like it, not one bit. Pressing himself closer to his caregiver, Minho started to rub his face and cheeks against the other's arms and chest. A tired smile spread on Jisung's chapped lips as he drifted off to his mate scenting him.

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