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Minho woke up first the next morning, glancing at Jisung's peaceful sleeping face. Although the rapper was still asleep. Minho had a feeling that he was doing better than he had been the previous evening. Jisung's face was relaxed and the bad gut-feeling Minho had experienced, was gone now. Still, he wanted to give the younger as much time as he'd need and quietly slipped out of bed to get himself a cup of coffee. Chan and Changbin didn't expect Jisung back at the studio today, knowing he needed time to recover. Quietly sipping his coffee, sitting alone on the couch, Minho did some research on migraines as he wanted to figure out how to help the other best. Considering they were planning a life together, the older knew this wasn't the last migraine he'd witness and he so badly wanted to be able to at least ease the pain, if he couldn't take it away from his mate entirely. Minho was startled from his research when he felt the couch dip next to him and Jisung sleepily slumped against his side.

"I was lonely", the rapper muttered, closing his eyes again as he rested his head on Minho's shoulder. Reaching up to ruffle Jisung's hair, the older cooed: "I'm sorry but I didn't want to wake you. How are you feeling?" – "Better, not 100% but the pain is mostly gone", Jisung yawned, rubbing his eyes. Minho hugged his shoulders and adjusted their position, so the younger could rest more comfortably against his collarbone. "You had me worried, you know?", the hybrid whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of his mate's head. Jisung muttered a tired apology, snuggling closer to the older. They sat in silence for a few minutes as Minho finished his coffee, rubbing his hand up and down the other's arm, almost lulling him back to sleep. "Are you hungry for breakfast?", Minho asked softly, brushing the hair out of Jisung's face, so he could take a closer look at the rapper. He was still a little pale but he looked better than yesterday. Jisung shrugged, admitting: "A little."

Minho debated what they could have for breakfast before remembering something he had seen recently. "How do you really feel? Like, well enough to go out?", the hybrid asked carefully. A breakfast date would be romantic but he wouldn't drag his mate out if he wasn't up for it. Jisung shrugged again, humming: "I'd still need sunglasses and not too far. I'm really tired and a bit sore." – "It's not far, I promise", Minho smiled, "You can dress as comfy as you want and I guess, sunglasses and a mask would be better anyway, since your last album release." Jisung agreed, they had gained quite some attention with their latest release. "If I asked you what you're planning, would you tell me?", the rapper asked shyly. Tapping a finger against his lips, Minho hummed: "I guess I can tell you a little, though not the exact location. A breakfast date at a small and cozy place not far from here. Considering the time, it should be rather empty right now, so hopefully it'll be quiet. If you still feel up for it afterwards, we could go for a little walk through the park, so you get some fresh air. If not, we'll come right back here and cuddle." – "Not sure if I'm up for the walk but breakfast sounds nice", Jisung smiled, though he struggled to tear himself away from Minho to get dressed.

Seeing that his dongsaeng didn't really want to move, Minho simply scooped him up, earning a surprised squeal from the younger, and carried him back to the bedroom. After placing Jisung down on the bed, the hybrid made his way to the closet and went through his mate's clothes. He knew which ones the other liked the most and chose an oversized hoodie along with jeans that looked fancy but were actually pretty soft and comfortable. Jisung smiled when he saw which clothes the older had picked, they were comfy but he wouldn't look like a fool when going out in public. When they were ready to leave, Minho slipped sunglasses onto his mate's nose and put a mask on him before wearing a mask himself and taking the other's hand. "If it's too bright, just close your eyes. I'm not going to let you fall or run into things", the hybrid smiled, leading Jisung out of the building.

The place Minho had in mind sold freshly made waffles and had a few booths for them to sit. It also wasn't far from their apartment complex, so he hoped it wouldn't strain Jisung too much. The rapper had soon switched from holding his hand to clinging to his arm and walking as closely as possible to the older. It had Minho worried but Jisung assured it was fine and that he only felt a little lightheaded and out of it, which made him feel vulnerable with other people around. The hybrid cooed, promising to protect him and that he didn't need to worry about anything. It didn't take them too long to get to their destination and like Minho had hoped it was rather empty. He found them a booth in a corner, so they'd have some privacy, and waited for Jisung to settle into his seat.

"So...waffles?", the rapper giggled quietly, "I'm glad I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth." Glad that his mate liked the place that he had chosen, Minho smiled: "If you tell me what you'd like on yours, I'll go and order. Here's a list of all the toppings they have." Jisung didn't even glance at the list the older showed him, well aware that he wouldn't be able to read it. His eyes were still sensitive and trying to focus on anything really threatened to bring his headache back. "Why don't you choose something for me? I trust you and it's kinda hard to focus right now", the rapper admitted with an embarrassed smile. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, Minho promised: "That's fine, I'll choose something really tasty for you. Your stomach feels okay, right?" Jisung gave him a small nod and watched the older walk off towards the counter. Minho already knew what he would get for his mate. A waffle with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and raspberries. Since the ice cream wasn't an option for himself, the hybrid picked molten chocolate and strawberries for his own waffle and took both of them back to their booth.

Jisung had already taken off his mask by the time Minho returned and the older chuckled when his lips formed a small 'o'. He had definitely made a good choice. Despite his exhaustion, a wide smile spread on Jisung's lips as he accepted the plate from his mate. He thanked Minho for the food and beamed: "Trusting you was the right decision, you know me too well." The hybrid blushed a little sitting down with his own plate. Though Minho envied Jisung a little for his ice cream, he loved his waffle too. There was chocolate drizzled all over it and chopped strawberries on top, with a few whole strawberries on the side. "Do you want one of my strawberries?", the older smiled, picking one up and dipping it into some chocolate that had dripped onto the plate. Jisung nodded eagerly and allowed Minho to feed him, making the hybrid chuckle. He had been unsure about this trip at first, not really wanting to go out in public but now he was glad that he had gone along with Minho's idea. It was really nice and not overwhelming like he had feared. He felt safe with the older.

"Hyung, you got some chocolate there", Jisung giggled, pointing to the corner of his mouth. When Minho failed to wipe it away entirely on the first try, the rapper reached out his hand and tried to wipe it away with his thumb but Minho moved away, picking up a napkin and cleaning himself up. The atmosphere was awkward and Jisung couldn't help but feel like he had overstepped some kind of boundary, though he hadn't been aware there was one. After a few minutes of tense silence, the rapper asked softly: "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Are you upset with me?" He didn't dare to look at Minho, but the older put a finger under his chin and lifted his head, so he could see the genuine smile on the hybrid's face. "I'm not upset with you", Minho cooed, "I love those small things you do but they make feel, you know, and big Minho deserves to spend as much time with you as little Minho." Jisung nodded with a shy smile, glad that the older had helped him understand. He loved taking care of Minho, so he figured he should give the other the chance to do the same.

When they left the waffle place, the sun had risen further in the sky and Jisung instinctively closed his eyes despite the sunglasses. "Straight home it is, hm?", Minho hummed, glancing at the sky. He had sensed his mate's tension and protectively wrapped his arm around the other's waist to guide him. It was pretty bright and usually, Jisung would've loved this weather to hang out at the park but right now it was too much. He was glad when Minho walked him home with the promise of cuddles and a quiet day. 

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