Chapter 1

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Porkchops is no ordinary pig. He was born with the ability to smell things very far away. His mom called it his "special gift". His name wasn't always Porkchops. It used to be Ronald, but when Steve gave him the name Porkchops, he happily obliged.

But let's start from the beginning. How, exactly, did Porkchops end up in that forest with Steve? Well, he was wandering around the plains, when some commotion in the forest caught his attention. He saw a helicopter flying away from it. There was a word on it, but Porkchops couldn't read. He decided to go check out what happened in the forest.

As he walked, he thought about his family. They were all dead. He remembered the day they died too often. The flashback hit him again.

He was still a baby, walking with his family on the plains. There was his mother, his father, his big sister Lily, and him. Porkchops—or Ronald, as his name was then—loved his family very much, and they loved him back.

But one day, they were walking on the plains, when two Villagers walked up to them with iron swords. Without warning, they killed Porkchops' father!

Porkchops heard one of the Villagers say, "We're having pork barbecue tonight!"

Of course, his mother and sister were devastated. They started crying, and whenever they cried, Porkchops—or Ronald—cried too.

But the Villagers had no pity. They killed Lily next, then turned on his mother. His mother looked at Porkchops with sad eyes and said in pig language "I love you, my strong smeller." And then they killed her. Now, that might sound silly to humans, but in pig language, being a strong smeller was a great honor. And Porkchops had that honor.

The Villagers looked at Porkchops next, and he cowered in fear. But one of the Villagers said, "The baby won't give us any meat. C'mon, we got seven already. Let's go cook 'em up!"

The one who spoke started walking away, and the other one followed, saying "Alright, wait up Eddie!"

Porkchops was left alone to wander around on his own.

After that, Porkchops did what his family always did, wandering around the plains eating grass. He thought of his family very often, and he missed them a lot. But, there was nothing he could do to bring them back.

Porkchops woke from the flashback. He was still walking towards the forest. In fact, he just reached the forest edge. He walked inside, curious of what he would find.

After looking around a little, he finally found something interesting. A man was laying on his back, asleep. Porkchops walked over to the man and nudged him. The man didn't wake up, so Porkchops walked a few blocks away to eat some tall grass.

After a few seconds, he heard a voice.


Porkchops turned around. The man was sitting up, looking around. Steve must be his name. He looked confused.

Steve stood up and looked around. Porkchops watched him, curious of what he would do. The man noticed him staring. "What're you looking at?" he asked Porkchops.

"You," Porkchops said in pig language, even though he knew Steve couldn't understand him. Porkchops walked back over to the tall grass and continued eating.

He heard the man attacking a tree for some reason. Porkchops ignored him for awhile, but when he started making things with a crafting table, Porkchops got curious. He watched him work.

After making a sword, Steve looked at him. Porkchops stared back, a little afraid of the sword. But Steve seemed to decide not to kill Porkchops. Instead, he patted him on the head. Porkchops knew that was a friendly gesture, and decided he liked this man.

The man ate an apple, then continued walking around, attacking trees. Porkchops walked around a little, but he always stayed near Steve. The pig figured Steve needed a little protection, since he seemed so confused all the time.

After crafting something else, Steve walked over to a pool of water. He was staring at his reflection for so long, Porkchops decided to go see what he was doing.

He walked over there, and looked into the water also. Steve jumped, and Porkchops looked at him. He's a jumpy one, Porkchops thought.

"You're a funny little guy, aren't ya?" Steve said.       

"Sure," Porkchops replied in his nonunderstandable pig language. He walked back over to the patch of tall grass he was working on eating earlier. He heard Steve chuckle as he walked.

Once Porkchops finished eating that tall grass, he noticed something was wrong. He looked up.

Steve was gone.


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