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Porkchops felt himself rising. He couldn't really explain it, but he knew he had left his body.

His soul, or whatever it was, rose through the air, until he was past the clouds.

After awhile, he blacked out.

When he woke again, he was in a beautiful field. There were floating islands above him, and animals everywhere, roaming the field.

So this is what the Aether is like, Porkchops thought.

He ran around the fields without a care in the world. He ate some grass, walked around, and mingled with a few other animals. In a way, he was glad that he died.

A few hours later, Porkchops heard a voice he recognized.

"Ronald?" the voice said.

Porkchops turned around. Standing in front of him were Lily, his father, and his mother!

"Mom! Dad! Lily!" Porkchops exclaimed, rushing to meet them. The family group-hugged in the field.

"I can't believe you're here!" Lily squealed happily.

"Wait, son," his father snorted. "We died, and we are here. So if you're here, does that mean...you died too?"

"I'm afraid so, dad," Porkchops replied. "But I'm glad I did, because now I'm here with you guys!"

"Oh, we love you so much, my strong smeller," his mother said lovingly. "Now tell us about your adventure of life."

Porkchops thought for a moment. His life had been an adventure, hadn't it? Well, even though he failed his mission to tell Steve his importance, he could still tell his tale to his family.

Porkchops decided to start from the beginning. "Well, after you guys died, I kept doing what we always did, exploring the plains and eating good grass. But, when I grew up, I had quite an adventure. Now, it all started when I saw a helicopter flying to the forest near our plains..."


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