Chapter 5

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Porkchops ran back the way he came, but slightly more north. It was dark, and there were monsters everywhere, but they all ignored him. Porkchops liked it that way.

About halfway back to the house, Steve's scent got stronger again. It was coming from the north, but not exactly in the direction of his house. He must not be there yet. Porkchops hoped Steve would make it okay.

Finally, Porkchops reached Steve's house. It was next to the lake, and made of cobblestone, wooden planks, and glass. Porkchops saw movement inside, and assumed it was Steve.

But he forgot Steve's scent was still coming strong from the north.

Porkchops burst through the door, squealing happily. He expected to see Steve.

But he didn't.

Instead, there were four Skeletons inside the house. They all had iron helmets on. That same word Porkchops had seen everywhere was on those helmets. The Skeletons all looked at Porkchops curiously. That's when Porkchops noticed what was behind the Skeletons.


Porkchops looked from the Skeletons to the TNT, and the Skeletons looked from Porkchops to each other. It was clear no one knew what to do.

Outside the window, Porkchops noticed a Nether portal. But he was pretty sure Nether portals were supposed to be purple, not blue.

The Skeletons started making clattering noises to each other. They were communicating. Porkchops wasn't sure what to do, but he knew he couldn't let them blow up the house.

Then one of the Skeletons pulled out flint and steel. the other three left the house, pushing past Porkchops. The remaining Skeleton looked at Porkchops, then without a word, made one swift motion.

He ignited the TNT.

Porkchops charged at the Skeleton, who was caught off guard. The pig's head connected with the bony body of the Skeleton, and surprisingly, it fell apart.

Porkchops was confused. That didn't happen last time. He must've used more force this time around.

The Skeleton's helmet fell onto Porkchops' head, and that's when the pig remembered the TNT.

Which blew up.

Porkchops bent his head towards the explosion, and luckily the helmet took the brunt of the explosion.

But it still sent Porkchops flying.

Porkchops sailed through the air, most of his hearts gone already. He heard the house get demolished in the background, and he knew he failed his mission.

He also knew this would be the end of him. He would hit the ground hard, and that would take the rest of his hearts away, killing him.

Porkchops prepared for the landing that would end his life.

He sailed towards a ravine. He noticed that his trajectory would take him directly into it, which would hurt even more.

At the same time, Porkchops noticed Steve's scent become excited, then disappointed. He wondered how his emotions could change so quickly, going from afraid to excited to disappointed in moments.

But Porkchops didn't care anymore. He would land on the hard stone floor, and die.

The floor of the ravine came closer and closer. Porkchops shut his eyes, not wanting to see the end come. He waited for his death.

But it didn't come. Instead, Porkchops felt himself land on something cold, wet, and liquidy.


Porkchops shakily climbed out of the water. He looked around. He was in a ravine, obviously. There was an iron pickaxe lying on the ground nearby.

Then Porkchops noticed something. Steve's scent was coming from this very ravine.

The pig knew he had to get to Steve. He had to tell him his importance, and also how his house had blown up.

Porkchops was about to start down the ravine when something dropped into his path.

A Spider.

Porkchops tried running around the Spider, but it deliberately blocked his way. Porkchops was confused. Didn't monsters ignore animals?

The Spider lunged, and Porkchops instinctively backed up. The Spider missed, and got back up.

Porkchops noticed the Spider was looking angrily at him. Well, not exactly at him. More like at...

His helmet.

The helmet that had fallen on him from the Skeleton was still on Porkchops. He was pretty sure it said "Mojang", so he guessed this Spider didn't like Mojang either.

So, before the Spider could attack again, Porkchops flung the helmet off his head and stared at the Spider, trying to show his good intentions.

The Spider looked at the helmet angrily, then looked at Porkchops. He seemed to understand. Then, in one fluid motion, he destroyed the helmet.

Suddenly, there was a noise to their left. Both the Spider, who Porkchops decided to call Good Spider for now, and Porkchops ran to hide behind a big boulder. They listened carefully.

All that could be heard was a bunch of clattering noises. Porkchops decided to take a look.

Four Skeletons were walking past. They all had iron helmets, and all seemed to be talking over each other. Porkchops could sense Good Spider peeking at the Spiders too. He smelled furious.

Suddenly, two things happened at once. First, Porkchops sensed Steve's scent getting stronger again. He was afraid again.

Second, an alarm started blaring.

Porkchops had no idea where the sound was coming from, but it seemed like it was splitting his ears in half.

But Porkchops thought he knew why the alarm had sounded.

The Mojang Skeletons must've found Steve.

Porkchops saw the four Skeletons run down a hallway in the wall of the ravine. Porkchops didn't know what to do.

Then Good Spider hissed. He looked at Porkchops, and somehow, with just that one look, Porkchops understood.

Porkchops was to go find Steve. Good Spider would hide out here. Then, Porkchops and Steve would lead the Skeletons out here, and Good Spider and his buddies would ambush them.

It seemed like a good plan. Porkchops snorted an affirmitve, then sniffed around the air. He noticed Good Spider float up, like he were on his string.

Porkchops found Steve's scent easily. He was slowly coming towards Porkchops. The pig decided to go get Steve.

Porkchops ran through a one-block wide hallway.

He was going to go find Steve.


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