Chapter 3

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Porkchops was still guarding Steve, when day came again.

Steve sure sleeps a lot, thought Porkchops.

Around noon, Steve jolted upright. Porkchops looked at him, concerned. Steve saw him looking and said, "Stop actin' like my guardian pig. You're the one who needs protection."

"Do you remember what happened yesterday?" Porkchops asked in pig language. "Whatever," Steve said, as if he could understand Porkchops, even though the pig knew that wasn't possible.

Steve walked out onto to the plain and looked around. Porkchops watched him. Then Steve started walking away from the shelter. Porkchops didn't know where he was going, so he followed him. When he got close enough, he walked alongside Steve.

Steve noticed and looked at the pig. Not saying anything, they continued walking. During the hours of walking, Steve kept looking over at Porkchops with a hungry look in his eye. This scared Porkchops a little, but he knew Steve wouldn't kill an innocent animal just for food. Right?

Wrong. They finally reached a small irregularly shaped lake. There was a small forest of oak and birch trees next to it, and four cows on the other side of the lake.

As soon as they saw the cows, Steve sprinted forward, leaving Porkchops in the dust. At first Porkchops thought he was going to get wood, but instead, he pulled out a stone sword and slaughtered all four cows.

This was all Porkchops needed to see. He ran. When he was running over the crest of the hill, he heard Steve yell "Porkchops wait!" But Porkchops didn't look back. If Steve did that to cows, who says he couldn't do it to pigs too?

Porkchops ran as fast as he could, all the way back to the shelter Steve had made. It was dark by the time he reached it. There was a Zombie walking around inside the shelter, but when Porkchops went inside, the Zombie left.

The pig laid down inside the shelter. He sighed. Porkchops couldnt believe Steve would kill innocent animals. At that moment, Porkchops told himself he'd never help Steve again.

Steve's scent got much stronger. Even stronger than it was when he fell down the lava ravine. Porkchops immediately sprang up and started running in Steve's direction. Then he remembered what had happened, and he slowly walked back to the shelter. He could never forgive Steve. Never.

Porkchops ate some grass, than went back into the shelter. Steve's scent was still strong, and even intensifying. He must be fighting an Enderman or something. But Porkchops didn't care.

Porkchops was laying in the shelter, doing nothing, when he heard something a little odd.


Or rather, one voice. At first, Porkchops was confused. The only voices he had heard in awhile was Steve's. But this one sounded...gravelly. Definitely not Steve.

Porkchops figured out that the voices were coming from down the staircase Steve had mined earlier. They must be in that mine/cave thingie.

Porkchops' curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to go investigate. He jumped down into the cave, just like he had done before. When he landed, he realized Steve's scent had gone back to normal. He must've finished off the Enderman or whatever he was doing.

Putting the thought of Steve aside, Porkchops focused on the task at hand. He had to find out where that gravelly voice was coming from.

Listening some more, he noticed that the voice came from the direction Steve had not gone while mining, the left corridor. Since he was a pig, Porkchops could not place torches, so he walked through the dark. He wasn't afraid of it, since he knew monsters ignored him.

Porkchops continued toward the gravelly voice. He twisted down many hallways, once walking past a Zombie with an iron helmet on his head. Porkchops knew that sometimes Zombies and Skeletons spawned with helmets.

Porkchops saw light ahead, and he crept towards it. He knew monsters ignored pigs, but people usually did not, especially in underground tunnels.

Taking his chances, Porkchops peered around the corner, trying to find the voice that was obviously near the light, judging from the volume. Porkchops saw some torches, and two silhouetted figures. Because of the light coming from behind the people, Porkchops couldn't make out who they were, but they looked vaugely human like. They seemed to have helmets on, and one helmet looked brighter than the other one.

The voice talked again, coming from the figure with the bright helmet. "Everyone is ready for the assault?" it said.

The other figure groaned, as if it were a Zombie or something. Maybe it was, but it seemed to be communicating with the other figure.

"Excellent. Notch will be most pleased with his little...propaganda," the voice spoke again, laughing at the end of his sentence. The Zombie groaned again, as if it were also laughing.

"Unfortunately, I will not be joining the assault. Mistress Jean thinks it would be odd to have just one Zombie with a gold helmet in the attack, and all the rest having iron ones. And we all know why I can't take this one off. Then I'd sound just like you guys," the voice said.

After those words, several things ran through Porkchops' head at once.

Who are they assaulting?

Is the thing that is speaking a Zombie?

Why does this Zombie seem to be the leader?

How does his gold helmet allow him to talk?

Why did he mention Notch?

Who are these people?

Unfortunately, Porkchops did not have time to ponder these questions, because after the figure with the iron helmet replied with another groan, the figure with the gold helmet turned, and the light showed his face. He was, in fact, a Zombie, and he had a gold helmet that said a word on it. Porkchops couldn't read, but he thought that word looked familiar.

Porkchops decided to leave. He knew normal monsters ignored him, but these were not normal monsters. He decided not to take his chances on getting caught.

While going back the way he came, he heard the gold helmet Zombie's gravelly voice say,

"Now, we will begin our assault on Harville tomorrow!"


See, this is something new. Didn't think Porkchops was smart enough to spy, now did you? But yeah, this book should be more interesting now. Sorry I've been taking so long to update everything!

Thanks for reading, and make sure you vote, comment, follow, and read my other story, "A Minecraft Story"! (Which you should've read before reading this book anyway.)


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