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She was the daughter of a rich businessman, and a barmaid. Desperate to escape her suffocating home atmosphere, she ventures out to explore the snow covered woods, meeting an ice white dragoness. Befriending the dragoness leads her to finally flee her awful life. "Snowstorm! Time to go!" Freya calls. A chirp sounds, telling Alyssa she's ready to take her rider far away.

Whistling for her friend, the white dragoness bounds into view, Freya laughing at Snowstorm's antics. "Let's get outta here, girl." She whispers to the Light Fury. Flapping her massive wings, Snowstorm takes off, disappearing into the cloudy sky.

Two months later.

Flying through a winding mountain valley, Freya senses another dragon and it's rider following them. "Time to disappear, girl. Now!" She urgently hisses, Snowstorm firing a bolt of light and vanishing into it. She looks back and smirks, the other two clueless and confused. Doubling back above them, Snowstorm snatches the rider from their dragon's back, speeding away.

Chasing after it's kidnapped rider, the dragon roars, trying to stop them. But clad in snow-white armour, Freya is impossible to track in the clouds. The masked rider struggling in Snowstorm's claws, Freya guides them into a cave. Releasing their captive, Freya remains in her Light Fury's saddle, watching the rider who pulls their mask off. A tall, blonde male emerges, curious. She pulls her own mask off, exposing her braided long, dark hair. Eyes the colour of faded moonstone pierce his, startlingly light.

He blinks, trying to shake her alluring stare out of his mind.  "I'm Freya, and this is Snowstorm, my Light Fury. You?" She spoke. "Tom. And the dragon behind you is Thunder." The blonde answers, Thunder jumping and gliding over her to Tom's side. She gives Thunder a once-over, interested. "What is he?" She wonders. "A Night Light. Descendant of Toothless and the original Light Fury." Came the response. "Yours?" Tom quizzed. "She came to me when I was wandering a snow covered forest behind my home. I befriended her and the rest is history." Freya answers.

"Now I'm here, talking to you. A complete stranger." She half laughs. "Not complete strangers. We both ride dragons. So we have something in common, fellow dragon rider." Tom corrected her. She smiled at him, walls beginning to crumble. "Follow me. It's time I take you to my home." Tom said, climbing into Thunder's saddle, guiding him from the cave. Tailing them, Freya and Snowstorm kept close, turning with them into his home cave.

Leaving their dragons to bond, Tom showed Freya the cave system and the secret he guarded. When she saw the clan, her eyes widened. "There's a whole entire clan of Night Furies?! More?! Even Light Furies?! Snowstorm's no longer alone in the world...? She's got family!" Freya's eyes filed with tears, overjoyed her dragoness had found her family.

Upon seeing her brothers, sister and parents, Snowstorm looked back once, Freya encouraging her friend to go and catch up with them. Watching her dragoness run after the five, Freya turned to Tom and Thunder, already missing Snowstorm.

Two hours later.

Snowstorm had returned from her family's cave, preferring the company of Freya, her bonded rider. Knowing she'd caused a rift between her, Nightwing, Nightstorm, Snowflake and Nightshade, Snowstorm was accepting that she'd polarised their views of her, more comfortable in the presence of a human. Alyssa rubbed her head, hugging the dragoness. The same age, Freya and Snowstorm had a soul/mind bond, enabling them to communicate nonverbally.

Tom and Thunder didn't have the same thing, so they got confused when Alyssa and Snowstorm would stare at each other for what seemed like hours on end. Then Tom introduced Alyssa to Jun, a woman he'd taken from the city to the north. The dark haired females inspected each other, curious. One was a dragon rider, the complete polar opposite of her brother, Scott Peterson.

Scott had moved out and started ghost hunting as his job. Freya didn't believe in that kind of thing, despite him dragging her along on a few investigations. She was a free spirit, hating being trapped inside.

She knew it was time to catch up with Scott, so she headed out to places she knew he'd visited. Eventually catching up to her twin, she had put her old clothes on, underneath her armour, just so he recognised her. When she found him, she landed Snowstorm in the forest behind his house and took her armour off, putting it on Snowstorm's saddle. Walking toward the back door, she took her surroundings in. Once at the door, she knelt and knocked.

Inside, Scott.

Scott looked at the door, confused. "Who's there?" He called, voice strong and commanding. Freya blinked in shock. She started to sing their song. His eyes widened as his twin stood from crouching, different somehow. She looked wilder, untamed and free. He let her in. "How'd you get here?" He asked, bewildered. "I flew." Was the answer. "You... Flew?" He repeated. She opened the door and released a strange cry from her mouth.

Seconds later, an all white shape appeared, galloping their way. Scott stumbled back. "WHAT IS THAT!?" He cried, hysterical. "Scott, this is Snowstorm, the Light Fury and my best friend. A dragoness. She's how I got here." Freya explains, eyes glittering mysteriously. Scott shook his head, taken aback. "Mom and dad are worried. They want you home." He attempted. She got in his face. "No way in fucking hell am I going back there. Snowstorm carried me away. I came to visit you. That's it. Now, I'm returning to my cave and Snowstorm's mate. See you sometime, Scott. Goodbye." Freya spoke, slipping back into her white armour and settling into her friend's saddle.

Taking off, Scott watched the pair get smaller and smaller, quickly disappearing into the distance. He went back to his room to process things. While he had freedom, Freya didn't. Their parents had confined her to a life inside, as a housewife. She hated that. Desperately wishing for an escape, Snowstorm came along and gave her the opportunity that she took with both hands and never looked back. He ended up not telling their parents she'd visited him, in order to keep her trust and loyalty.

Meeting up with Josh, Austin and Hayden later in the day, he showed Austin a photo of Freya. "Does she live nearby?" He asked. Scott shook his head. "From the second she entered our world, she became confined inside. Unable to experience what typical teenage life was like. I had that freedom. Why, I don't know. She hated not being able to make friends and be a normal girl. Stuck indoors all the time affected her badly. Then I found out I had an older sister who died after getting into the wrong car. Killed instantly, Carina Peterson was a horrible reminder. My elder brother, Danny Peterson missed her, but when Freya was born he grew smitten with her. Two months ago she fled her hellhole life, flying far away." He explained.

The four heard a roar above them. Startling, they watched a winged, white shape plunge at their heads.

Just then Freya landed again, willowy figure stepping forward. "Austin, Josh, Hayden, meet Freya Peterson. My twin and beloved sister." He hugged the willowy girl, long dark hair braided down her back. Austin stepped up, eyes fixed on Freya's pale ones. He held his fist out, Freya bumping it. She was the female version of their friend, in similar clothes, chunky heeled boots sat on her feet.

Two months later.

Austin found himself unable to stop thinking about Scott's bombshell sister. Freya Peterson was someone who could draw attention instantly. So he calls his friend up to explain everything. Then they meet in person. "Freya's a fighter. Something she wants? A fight begins, her coming out on top every time. She's hot, I'll admit that much, but watch what you say around her if you ask her to your girlfriend, Austin. The slightest wrong word can make her blow up. Be careful. I give you my blessing." Scott tells him.

Two days later.

Austin had pulled up to Freya's home, hopeful. Knocking on the door, he waited. She opened it seconds later, smiling. She whistled, Snowstorm appearing instantly. His eyes widened, nervous. Settled in the saddle, Alyssa holds a hand out to him. He takes it, positioning himself safely. "Let's go, girl. Show our new friend the skies we love. Up!" Freya snarled and growled. "What was that!?" He demanded.

"Snowstorm's taught me her language. I'm fluent. When it's the two of us, we converse in Dragonese." Her explanation intrigued him. "Teach me." He said. She snarled and snapped at him. He blinked. "I said, 'I'd like to be your friend.' The language can be confusing, but once you've got the basics down pat, it's easy." She explained.

He pondered her explanation, thinking. "Will I get a dragon of my own?" He asked. "I don't know. Maybe. Snowstorm is a one in a million dragoness. I found her by lucky chance." Freya answers.

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