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"Tom! Don't do this!" Jun begged. But her friend only looked down. "I'm sorry, I have to do this. It's my destiny. Goodbye, Jun. Let's go, Thunder." He spoke, turning his dragon away, and took off, leaving her, Alex, D'Angelo, Feathers, Wu, Wei and Plowhorn far behind. She sadly watched them go, hurt and angry.

Ten years later.

"Come on, guys! Hurry! We can still catch the rider!" A twenty five year old Jun called back, long legs pumping hard to keep up. Meanwhile, the masked rider let loose a shrill cry, head turning different ways. Then a jet black shape plunged toward the mystery rider, carrying them up and out of sight.

In the air, Tom.

"Thanks girl, you saved me." He rubbed the female's scales warmly. She chirped at him, eyes showing happiness. He climbed her leg, settling into her saddle. "Time to grab Jun. Come on." She banked sharply, heading straight for the woman. Grabbing Jun, the pair flew home. Touching down into a cave, Nightshade released her, Jun rolling to a standing position.

She startles, jerking back at the sight of their mysterious rider before her. "Who are you...?" She quizzically asks. "You don't recognise me?" A male voice answers. Jun blinks, confused. "No. Should I?" She speaks. He removes his mask, revealing a scarred, familiar face to her.

She gasps, hands flying to her mouth. "Tom?" Her eyes water, and she openly cries for the first time since he left. She rushes forward, only for Nightshade to growl at her. She skidded to a stop, confused. He turns away, unwilling to keep her close any longer. "Nightshade, take Jun home. She doesn't belong in our world." Tom instructs, cold. Grabbing the woman by her shoulders, Tom watched them go.

He sighs, turning away and heading deeper into their home. Thunder returned after depositing Jun home.

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