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"Where is my mate? Bring her here!" An angry male Night Fury demanded. King Orion came running, wary. "Who is your mate?" He asked. "Artemis. My mate is Artemis." He answered. "I'm right here." A smooth, silky voice sounded, Artemis herself emerging from the shadows. She was stunning, the epitome of elegance and graceful beauty. A silver crown encircled her head, going between her eyes and behind her earflaps. "Send him away. I have a new mate, one I intend to stay with for life." Queen Artemis ordered. "What we had was fake? An act? Illusion?" Nightwing asked in sadness. She glared at him, teeth bared.

Queen Artemis, second of her name, descendant of Kyra, creator of the Lunar Furies, walked the hallways, searching for her husband and mate, King Orion. She was the colour of pure silver, grey eyes glittering. Her underside was dappled with white, an indication of her queenship. "Lady Artemis! The king requests your presence!" A messenger Night Fury came galloping toward her. She followed the younger female, who led her to the throne room.

"Husband, you called for me?" Artemis said. Orion looked at her, curious. "Have you heard of the Hidden World?" She shook her head.

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