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"You guys are impossible!" I paced back and forth yelling at my mates like I have been for the past 40 minutes "There's a process! You taught me that! Disable and question then kill right!" I looked at them. Daxon was about to say something but I held my hand up shaking my head "God if Montu and Imara didn't show up and he died Infinity would've died!"

I heard a knock at the door and it was Zuri "I um brought food for mommy, you've been yelling for a while. I thought you might be hungry"

I sat down on the bed grabbing the plate of chicken "Go take that crystal to your sister for Lucien"

She looked at me wide eyed "Mom-"


She sighed then grabbed the crystal leaving out the room. As soon as she took the crystal I felt fatigue wave over me and I laid back on the bed and started eating the chicken.

Daxon came over sitting close to me and Grey did they same. "You're sicker then you're letting on." Daxon touched my head "You turned pale as soon as she took it"

"I'll have Montu look over me. I honestly feel no different from when I was pregnant with the triplets"

"Well you are growing a whole different species" Daxon said

"Don't call him that. He's a special baby"


"Just a feeling" I shrugged.

I started to get a headache and my vision was going in and out. I closed my eyes trying to shake the feeling off. I opened my eyes and I was on a black and gold tile floor. I looked up seeing two beautiful women and two handsome men, all four of them were sitting in thrones.

"Hades didn't tell me she was pregnant. I would have been more careful. Get her some water" she ordered.

Her whole voice sent tingles down my body and made me want to obey any and every command she ordered me.

A black thing of walking goo handed me a water. I stared at it and hesitantly took it "It's just a new born demon. He won't hurt you" I looked up at her and nodded my head taking a sip "I'm Ameana, this is my wife Lilith. My grandfather Armeans and my brother Armin"

"I uh I thought there was a protocol to follow before I met you?"

"There usually is, but in all if my 400 years I've never seen a tribrid of your kind. Neither has my family"

The younger man, Armin walked over to me and circled me "She's an Egyptian goddess, sister. A direct descendant for Qetesh. Her mother is the first Egyptian Succubus and her father is an original warlock. Creole blood"

She leaned forward "That is absolutely fascinating, and your children?"

"My daughters are everything I am plus werewolf but my son is just god and incubus"

Lilith gave Ameana a knowing look and Ameana nodded.

"What did you come to ask?" Ameana asked

"I need Set dead. He has my mother trapped there. She gave herself up so my family could be safe from her other mate and my baby boy needs a wolf"

Armeans looked at Ameana "I can run that realm if you agree to get rid of set"

"Nyx can give him a wolf. He'll need a more powerful one considering his make" Armin said

Ameana stood up "I'll help you, but I cannot kill set. Only a god can kill a god. I can loan your son enough power to kill him but you'll have to draw him out. All remaining prisoners will remain excluding your mother"

"My son has to kill him?" I shook my head "You can transfer his power is is that a thing?"

"Are you telling me I don't know what I'm talking about?"

I shook my head "No. Thank you, my queen?" I said more of a question

"All I ask in return is blood"

"Blood?" I looked at her crazy.

"Yours, and your children. Me and my wife would like to study it. Possibly have more children, we have twins but want more and with genes like those plus ours could make very power children. The decision is yours, I'll give you a week to decide" she waved her hand and I was back in my bed room.

"Where the fuck did you go?" Grey yelled and made quick way to the bed.

"I uh I didn't know. Remember I said I had another person to ask about getting Montu a wolf and Trying to figure out a way to get my mom out the underworld"

"Well? Who was it?" Grey asked

"Queen Ameana"

"Ameana? The queen of hell? Nyema!" Daxon yelled "Are you out of your mind!"

"She was nice" I said lowly "plus she agreed to do it"

"She did?" Greyson said surprised. I nodded my head and he scoffed "what's the price. There's always a price"

"Blood, she wants blood. My blood and the children's. She wants to use our blood to have more children. I think it's sweet." I left out the other part about Set, because Daxon would lose his shit "She gave me a week to decide. I honestly feel honored the queen of hell wants to use my blood for her children"

Greys phone went off and he looked at it then chuckled showing Daxon and he chuckled too "What? I wanna see" I leaned up to look at the phone but he pulled it away.

"Trust me you're not missing anything" Grey said

"If I'm not then show me" I crossed my arms. They just stared at me with blank faces and I got up "Fine. Asshole." I got up grabbing my keys

"Where are you going? You're supposed to be on bed rest" Daxon stood in front of the door

"To go find men who care about me" I flicked my wrist making him move out of my way

Grey started laughing "Nyema chill out"


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