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I woke up in bed and seen food on the nightstand. The twins were sleeping so I grabbed the tray eating the food and sitting it back down.

It felt good not to be pregnant anymore.

Grey and Daxon walked in and both gave me kisses and I smiled at them "Where'd you guys go?"

"For a run" Daxon said

I scrunched my nose up "I smell it. Go take a shower"

"We are" Grey said grabbing his towel laughing and leaning over to give me another kiss.

"If you're taking a shower together I wanna watch" I bit my lip

"You gay" Daxon said laughing.

I shrugged my shoulders "I have dreams about the two of you fucking each other and me watching or joining"

"You are gay" Greyson said

"Says the guys that stick their dicks in the same hole multiple times a day"

"That's different" Daxon said

"How?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Because you're you!" Daxon said

"The only thing that separates you and Grey when were all fucking is a thin little piece of flesh. So y'all basically rubbing y'all dicks together when we all fuck" I shrugged "I could just go in both of your dreams and set it up. I am a Succubus after all. Then erase it like it never happened" I smiled at them.

"I'm pretty sure that's rape" Daxon said

"Go take a shower by yourself then. Boring asses" I threw a pillow at him.

2 weeks later

"Okay baby I need you to breath, slow deep breaths" I said to Imara.

The girl had barely been pregnant for 3 weeks and was about to give birth. I was fucking jealous.

"It hurts" she leaned her head back crying.

"I know" I took the rag dabbing there sweat of her face.

Zuri came out the bathroom looking irritated "Mom Montu fainted again"

"Well wake his ass up again"

I grabbed Imaras leg and Infinity grabbed her other. Zuri came out the bathroom with Montu draped around her shoulder and sat him in the chair.

"Okay you have to start pushing again"

She shook her head "I can't"

"Well honey I'm sorry you don't have a choice"

She started pushing and screaming.
Montus eyes went wide "Oh god. I can't do this"

Zuri looked down at him "Nigga you ain't doing nothing!"

"Rest" Ross said

Imara started shaking her head "Cut me open" she cried

"Girl you don't want that. Push them babies out" I said to her. "Grey!"

He peaked his head in "Yeah?"

"Can you get me some more cool water and Montu a damn bottle of water before the boy pass out again"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay I need you to start pushing again" Ross said to Imara

We held her legs up and Grey came in with the things I asked for. I put the rag on her head and Montu guzzled down the water.

Hunt & Pursuit (Quest book 2. Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now