When grey came back in it was a little after midnight and the babies and Daxon were sleeping. I didn't say anything to him I just watched him undress and get into the bed.
"Are we going to talk about what happened?"
I got up and unlocked the babies bassinet and started to push them.
"Nyema you are not leaving with my kid" he yelled waking Daxon up."Fuck you grey!"
"Why are y'all arguing. It's midnight and y'all gonna wake the damn kids up"
I ignored him and pushed the kids out and went to the guest room. I don't know what the fuck his problem is but he needs to talk about it instead of acting like a child.
I got in the bed and turned on the tv. I heard the door open and seen it was grey in the corner of my eye. I ignored his presence and he leaned against the wall twisting his wedding ring around.
"How long were you there?"
"How long was I where grey?" I said irritated
"In Duat"
"I remember fighting a Succubus in Duat who looked exactly like your form. She had fought two other people before me. Beat them pretty bad" he looked up at me.
"Grey what are you talking about?"
"Don't talk to me like I'm fucking crazy Nyema!" He punched the wall and I jumped "You know what I'm talking about"
"Grey I never seen you there" I said lowly "Yes I got beat by a wolf but it wasn't you"
"Why were you there!" He yelled at me
"I was looking for you!" I yelled back "I went there to find you. Set gave me 24 hours and I searched and searched and searched and I couldn't find you" I started crying "I'm sorry!"
"I was in front of you! You know what Aho looks like! You fucking could've got me out of there!"
"Grey I got beat by a black wolf. Not Aho" I yelled at him and the babies started crying "Get out!"
He came over and grabbed me by my throat slamming me in the bed "You fucking left me in there! Some fucking mate you are! I went to hell for you! And you left me there!"
"Stop" I choked out clawing at his face. I couldn't breathe and I was starting to see black spots. I touched his head showing him my memories of Duat and he let me go.
I grabbed my throat breathing and he fell back looking at me "Nyema-"
"Get out! Get out!" I cried
He stared at me for a second then got on his knees "I'm sorry" he grabbed my hand and I pulled away "Nyema I'm sorry!"
"Get out of this room" I said tight lipped "Now"
"Hold on" I grabbed Imara stopping her.
"Go" she nodded her head and got off of me.
I got up taking a quick shower then heading to the guest room. My sisters were already in there in the bed with my mom.
Zuri was rubbing her back and my mom was crying holding her stomach. Infinity was sitting against the head board holding her.
I went over to the bassinet looking at the twins. "Have they ate?"
"Yeah I just fed them" Zuri said "They probably just want to be rocked back to sleep"
I nodded my head and went over to my mom kissing her head "Sleep" her body went limp then Infinity straighten her body out and tucked her back in the bed.
"Was that mom and daddy Daxon?" Zuri said.
I shook my head "No"
"What happened?" Infinity asked
"I honestly don't know" I grabbed Mercy-Lee and Zuri grabbed Myra-Lee.
"Mommy and daddy Grey dont fight. So this must be something serious" Infinity said
"She had hand prints around her neck" Zuri said lowly "do you think he blacked out again?"
"He's never touched mommy while he blacked out" Infinity said
"Maybe we should take her to pawpaws until this clears up?" I said "Trust me. The babies shouldn't be around this fighting. We haven't determined their genes yet"
They shouldn't remember this. I touched the both of their heads just in case they had a strong god gene.
"Maybe we should-"
Our dad Daxon came in "You guys should be in bed" he said rubbing his face. He came over to the bed sitting down and rubbing her arm.
"You didn't hear all that fighting? Nobody could sleep through that. Not even Zach and he sleeps through everything" Zuri said.
"Yeah I did, just spent the past hour calming your dad down" our dad said sleepily
"I hate fighting. I have to go home" Infinity stood up
"Just wait till the morning if you want to leave. Not this late" our dad said.
She sighed "Goodnight" she left out the door.
"I should go check on her" I handed the baby to my dad.
"She's fine Montu"
"Infinity is a lot more sensitive then she lets on"
"Just stay here with your sister and mom. I'll go check on her"
"No offense but you're probably the last person she wants to see"
I walked out the room letting Montu's words sink in my head. I knew the fighting was bad between me and Nyema but I barely remember any of it because I was drunk out my mind most of the time.
I knocked on Infinity door and she opened it "Yeah?"
"Come downstairs so we can talk."
"Come on"
"You okay?"
"It's just a lot going on right now" she shook her head "It's stressful. Why do you think I moved out so fast?"
"I don't know because you found your mate?" She looked up at me with a irritated look "Infinity it's always going to be a fight or a problem. That's just life."
"You don't get it"
"Then tell me"
"I love you and mommy, I do, but I just don't like confrontation, I can't deal with it thanks to you guys."
"I'm sorry we put you three through that. That's something we can never take back"
"I just don't want the babies going through the same thing. Today was supposed to be a happy day, our birthdays. The twins being born, but it seems like this family is just built for bullshit, and I don't want to be around that"
"What does that mean Infinity?" I sat up
"After this, whatever this is. Me and Lucien are leaving."

Hunt & Pursuit (Quest book 2. Unedited)
Romance18 years later, Nyema Daxon and Greyson are still married and happily in love. The kids are graduating and everything is perfect. So it seems. The missing piece of her family is her mother. Who sacrificed her freedom for the pack and Nyema. Now N...