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Vine had very clear boundaries with everyone, as follows:

- Unless Vine gives permission, don't touch him anywhere below the shoulder, Gale is the only exception to this rule, but Gale still makes sure to make it clear what his intentions are so Vine can stop him if he's is uncomfortable. Gale has also made it clear to not ask Vine directly, because he sometimes has problems saying no to people.

- Don't sneak up behind him. There is no exception to this. If he's walking in front of you and you want to talk, announce yourself and walk on the side he can see out of. Startling him is never a good idea, it scares the crap out of him.

- Don't ask about his face or his past. He doesn't like talking about it, and only really talks about it with Gale, Misha, and Jason. It makes him uncomfortable and at times scared, so everyone knows not to ask.

- Don't pick him up. He just doesn't like it and it's flashback-inducing for him, so it's a general no.

- Don't ask him about his childhood. Even referring to the life he used to have is very upsetting for him, because it makes him remember all the awful things that happened to him. Even if asked about happy memories, it will make him upset.

These are just basic boundaries

Creepypasta Headcanons Book 3 ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now