1: A day in the life of Y/N

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The sound of my alarm rang, signifying the beginning of a new day. As tired as I was, I got up and began my daily routine, wishing it was a Saturday morning rather than a school day. Now you may be wondering, "Y/n, why do you hate school days so much?" Well it's simple, one: school, and two: the people who I call "friends". Like seriously, imagine spending around six hours with people who make you feel like a second option- screw that, more like the last option. Imagine having friends who make you feel unwanted and unapreciated... Yeah well, unfortunately, I don't have to imagine shit because, if it wasn't obvious enough, that's how my friends treat me.

After I was set and ready to leave, the sound of my mum's voice echoed through the hall. "Y/N HAVE A GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL AND BE CAREFUL!", came the familiar words which my mum recites to me each morning before I leave for school. "BYE Y/N! HAVE A GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL!", followed dad, as he was getting ready to head to work not long after I'd have left. " YOU TOO! LOVE YOU BOTH, BYEE!", I replied, making sure I said all of that loud enough for the both to hear.

Quickly, I walked out of the house and reached the usual spot where me and my friend, Cerys, meet up to walk to school and from there we go and meet my other friend Basma. Sometimes, if I'm lucky (or maybe not?) my friend Fin walks with us too. Today, however, is one of those days where Fin is too lazy to walk and decided that taking the metro was a better option. The betrayal. 

At exactly 8:15am, Cerys arrived and smiled, followed by a simple "hey". "Hey", I replied, extending the 'y', "How are you?" I added, trying to start a decent conversation while walking to the next meet-up spot near Basma's. "I'm good thanks, how about you?" For God's sake, why are our conversations really awkward in the morning. "I'm good, thanks", I replied with a smile painted on my face, hoping to ease the awkwardness an remove the formality between us that somehow always seems to build up in the mornings.

As usual, Cerys and I arrived at the spot at 8:20am and continued to converse about the most random things we could think of until it hit 8:23am, which is when Basma finally decided to show up. "Heyy! You're late again by the way.", said Cerys, matter of factly. "Hey Bazzy!", I greated her, using the nickname that most use for her (mostly me to be honest). "Hi! Yeah sorry, I just got held up by my parents, again..."

The walk to school wasn't very special, it mostly consisted of the two best friends talking about something I didn't know much of while I speed-walked beside them to try and catch up, not know what to say and when.

~ Time Skip ~

God, school was really boring today. Like who in their right mind decided that letting a bunch of 14-year-old children copy of a textbook was going to be both educational and fun. Who was the idiot that hired these stupid teachers? I just wanna talk. Ugh whatever..what's done is done but I swear to God if we ever get made to do that again I'm sueing the fucking school. Call me a Karen all you want, my mind is set.
Lost in thought, I didn't realise that I was standing in front of my house. I shook my head, knocked on the door and waited for my mum to open the door. After only a few seconds of waiting, I could hear the shuffling of feet and the jingle of keys on the other side of the door. The door opened and I was greated by my mum's warm smile as I walked muself inside, making sure to take my shoes of at the door beforehand.

After changing into more comfortable attire, having dinner and telling my mum about my day, I ran to my room and finished any homework I had due for the next day. When I was sure everything that needed to be done was completed, I excitedly logged into my Crunchyroll account and began to watch 'My Hero Hero Academia' from the beginning for the third time (just until the next episodes are released that is). See this is the thing, some people tend to get bored when they rewatch something over and over again, but not me. Well, at least not when it comes to My Hero Academia. And no, it's not just because I like the story, but also because I totally simp for the main protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, or also known as Deku. I mean who wouldnt, like, just look at him. He's just to die for!

Some of my friends know about my huge crush on Izuku (definitely not because he's mostly all I talk about, heh) and well... I'm pretty sure they think I have issues for liking a 2D character. But HEY! I cant help it! He's just so cute but hot? He's super optimistic, brave and most of all, a very kind and generous person, which, in all honesty, inspires me and makes me want to be the best version of me there can be. He's the reason I want to keep trying and work really hard. I'm not sure if it's because I want to be like him or because I want to somehow impress him even though he isn't real. Even though I won't ever meet him, or hear him say he's proud of me. Even though he doesn't know me...because he doesn't even exist... But it's fine! I can manage just looking at him through a screen! It's better than nothing, right?

~ Third Person POV ~

Day was slowly becoming night and light turned to darkness. The h/c haired girl was gradually drifting off to sleep, her laptop still open and series still playing, laying on her legs as her back leaned to the backrest of her single sized bed. She slept, body relaxed and breath even, oblivious to the sudden bright light shining violently from the screen on her laptop. Little does Y/n know, her greatest wish was about about to become her reality in a matter of second.

I hope you liked the first chapter, please do give feedback if you have any and tell me what you think so far!
Just if you were wondering, Izuku Midoriya will be introduced in the next chapter so I hope you're looking forward to it!
Concerning the upload date and times, I have not got anything specific planned for that. I will be posting chapters whenever I have time but I will try to post at least once or twice a week.

Have a great day and take care of yourselves <33

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