3: Mornings and Villains

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As the sun rose, Y/n's eyes began to slowly flutter open, laying upon a plain beige ceiling. Sluggishly, she sat up, roughly rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Looking around, she realised she was currently in the Midoriyas' living room. She was sleeping on their couch with a few of Midoriya's blankets on and her pyjamas from the previous day.

Last night, Mrs Midoriya offered her Midoriya's bed and a pair of his old pyjamas, only to be quickly turned down, as Y/n was afraid it would be too much of a hassle. She chuckled, remembering how downcast the sweet lady looked after Y/n insisted on sleeping on the couch, stating how she would sleep more comfortably knowing her and Midoriya were sleeping in their own bedrooms.

The sound of clattering that seemed to be coming from behind her broke her out of her trance, leading her to look back and find said lady already changed into comfortable clothing and was making breakfast. Not to seem ungrateful, she sat up, walked over to the kitchen area, which was attached to the kitchen, and to the lady.

"Good morning, Mrs Midoriya," greeted Y/n before a yawn escaped her mouth. Mrs. Midoriya must not have thought anyone would be awake yet, as she flinched slightly before looking back.

"Oh, dear! Good morning Y/n! Sorry, I didn't see you there," she replied, nervously chuckling. "Did you sleep well, dear?"

"Yes, I slept quite well actually, thank you so much for allowing me to stay with you," smiled Y/n, only half lying. If she was to be frank, she would have said that the sleep in itself was fine, but the back pain, on the other hand, was not.

"Well that's a relief, I would have expected it to have been at least a bit uncomfortable," she said as she cut spring onions into smaller pieces. "But I'm afraid you're going to have to sleep in Izuku's room tonight onwards, it won't be so comfortable if you keep sleeping on the couch."

Y/n froze in place as she processed what she just said. "A-ah, really it's okay. I don't really mind sleeping on the couch. I really don't want to bother him," rambled Y/n, turning slightly flushed.

"Oh, don't be silly, Y/n. You could never be a bother, I'm fairly certain Izuku wouldn't mind," she further insisted, seeming as though she wouldn't let it go until Y/n accepted her offer. Hesitantly, Y/n nodded her head, getting an overjoyed 'great' from the green-haired woman, who was now placing the cut up onions in a heated pan. "Now, would you mind waking Izuku up for me after you get ready?"

"Get ready? For what?" Asked Y/n, confused.

"Oh, I can't believe I forgot to tell you!" jumped Mrs. Midoriya, stopping everything she was doing and turning towards the girl in front of her. Giving her a kind smile, she said, "seeing as you'll be staying here for a while until we find a reason to get you back, I called Izuku's school to see if they had a place for you. That way you won't be bored out of your mind and you won't miss any studies. I hope you don't mind?"

Y/n stood in shock at the woman's kindness. All her life, she has only ever experienced prejudice, hatred and disgust by her peers. Not once, besides when with her parents, has she ever been treated with kindness, especially not to the extent of Mrs. Midoriya going out of her way to make sure Y/n's future wasn't ruined and ensure she's happy and comfortable.

Tear droplets gathered at the corner of her eyes and Mrs. Midoriya began to panic, concern painting her face. "Oh, dear, are you alright? I'm sorry, I should have checked to see if you were alright with that first. It's alright, don't you worry, I can just call the school again and te-"

"N-no, it's not that!" Y/n cut in, "I'm just really moved. It makes me so happy that you're doing this for me, it's seriously the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!" A bright smile formed. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Midoriya. I'm so thankful for your kindness."

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